Nelson A. Spitzer, 91, of Waco, passed away Friday, March 21, 2014, surrounded by his family. Funeral Services will be held at 11am, Monday, March 24th, 2014 at Western Heights Baptist Church, 6301 Bosque Blvd, in Waco, with Pastor Marion Donnell officiating. Visitation will take place at the Church prior to the Funeral service, starting at 10am. A private burial will take place later for family. Thoughts and memories may be shared in the online Guest Book at www.LakeShoreFuneralHome.com.
Nelson was born March 16, 1923 in Otto, TX to Otto and Alma Spitzer, the youngest of 3 boys. When the family moved to Waco in 1936, Nelson assisted his father in distributing ice to homeowners with ice boxes. He graduated from South Bosque, and was one of two remaining living graduates in his class. Nelson once worked as a service station attendant, for a business located at 15th and Bosque for a few years, where he became fast friends with a young man who would eventually introduce Nelson to his sister; a beautiful young girl named Ruby Frances Warren who stole Nelson’s heart and devotion. There was never any doubt the two would live happily ever after, and that journey began on February 18, 1944, when they became husband and wife.
Around August of 1944, Nelson bought two show steers and a ’44 H Farmall with a 4 row cutter and bedder. If you haven’t heard the story behind that tractor you didn’t know Nelson Spitzer! Nelson would end up winning 1st place with both of the show steers in McLennan County Livestock Show, and eventually farming alongside his father-in-law.
Farming did not provide enough income for the life he wanted to provide for his beautiful bride, so Nelson took a job with Mrs. Baird’s bread as a route delivery driver. We still laugh about the day he was making his route during the tornado disaster, and ended up going the opposite direction once the winds died down. Later, he took a job as a route sales person for Gladiola Flour, and would later survive the sale of the company to Martha White Foods before retiring after 31 years of dedicated service. No matter what his primary job, there was always some type of farming after regular working hours and on weekends. Always combining, stripping cotton, spraying or just plowing with that 44 H Farmall.
Nelson was very active in his community, having served as President of the Hewitt Saddle Club. He also sat on the Board of Directors for the Central Texas Horseshow Association, and was the announcer for many of the horse shows throughout Central Texas. Western Pleasure was an event he loved to show his favorite horse, King Scout. He enjoyed introducing each contestant before the events and making the kids feel like they were winners before even entering the arena.
Then one day, Nelson became a business owner. Valley View Grocery located near China Spring was a dream come true. He operated Valley View Grocery for nearly 10 years. Again, winning people over with that big smile and attitude of never meeting a stranger, assisting those in need, and handing kids little sacks to put candy in.
Several months after the sale of the store he went to work for Tractor Supply part time, assembling equipment. After 17 years of hard work, and drawing workman’s compensation for a broken hip, he was forced to retire at the age of 89.
No matter what job Nelson held, there was always some type of farming experience going on. He was always willing to give you the shirt off of his back if you needed it and would be happy to extend a helping hand. Family was first, and his belief in God was always great. Nelson was a leader that lead by example, and you would be surprised at some of the younger generations today that come and tell our family how much they admired our father and the influence he has had on how they are living their lives today. Nelson was a kind soul with a big smile. He could not stand to see anyone hurt. If he loved you, he loved you with all of his heart. He was not a man of material items. He was a man of people and happiness. Someone said to us that Dad would receive a crown of jewels when he arrived in Heaven for all of the good things he did for people here on earth. We replied that we appreciated their thoughts, but if they knew our Dad he would just say with that grin on his face, “The crown belongs to God, I just followed the path he asked me to walk- and by the way did I tell you about the tractor I bought when Mom and I got married? You know it is a 1944 H Farmall? I still plow with it today!”
He was preceded in death by his parents; and two brothers, Henry Spitzer and Dick Spitzer.
He is survived by his beautiful bride of 70 years, Ruby Frances Spitzer; one daughter, Sherry Pitts and husband, Ed, of China Spring; grandson, Dustin Pitts and Sandra Kampa of Waco; his buddy, Peanut, the Dog; many nieces and nephews, extended family and friends; and our special Tractor Supply Company Family, Heather, Cathy, Ashely, Brandon, Terrance, Scott, Joel, Jesse, and Marvin.
Pallbearers will be Abel Reyna, Jesse Guzman, Dwight Langford, Shawn Mathis, Troy Edison and Justin Kelly. Dustin Pitts and Parnell McNamara will serve as Honorary Pallbearers.
A note of appreciation to Gaye Fox, Dr. Jharmarkt, and Providence Hospice Place for all of their tender loving care; to Nita Seat for always being there; Dr. John Shelton and Papa Schultz for always encouraging Dad by being a both a friend and a physician; and to Dr. Mark Klepper; all of our extended family and friends for being by our sides listening to all of the stories. You are all loved.

This is so hard to write but I have to tell the family how much I loved you all. You all watched me grow up horse showing since I was little and Nelson called my name a million times, he was the greatest man and all around true cowboy. Then I quit fooling with horses at 18 and never did hear that wonderful voice utter my name again over the loud speaker, until about 8 years ago when I started working with Dr John Shelton and I started calling Nelson’s name; turn about was fair play, now some 15-20 years later I was his nurse and it was like I was that little girl all over again, Ruby would come at times with him and Sherry was always there taking care of her mom and dad/she is a saint, she loves them so much and they love her. Nelson always gave me a big hug and a kiss every time and would tell everyone how long he knew me and that I was his girl and say “see ya later babe “-he was the best. Well it my turn I love you Nelson Spitzer always and forever and “see ya later babe”
Love y’all all
Tracy McDaniel Martinez
Thanks for all of the kind words and for just being there. Thanks for all of the special attention you gave Dad when he was visiting Dr. Shelton. Dr. Shelton is the best. Dad enjoyed watching you grow up and was proud to see the young lady you had become. You will always be his “babe”
Frances, Sherry & Family,
Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this time. Daddy (J.F. Sellers), and Nelson shared many, many years working together selling Gladiola flour and shared a friendship that lasted until Daddy’s death. We are so sorry to hear of Nelson’s death.
Our love, Monta Jean and Ted Conner & Family
Valley Mills
Monta Jean,
Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers. Our Dad’s spent many days, nights and years together. Their freindship was one that you rarely find today. We were both Daddy’s girls and I know you understand my feelings at this time.
I was one of those that admired Nelson. I spent a lot of time at my grandparents and loved when I would see Nelson outside. I always ran to the fence to talk to him. He was always so sweet and funny. He had such a kind spirit. I had the pleasure of spending a lot of time with Nelson, Frances and Sherry growing up. My grandpa and Nelson were very close friends, not to mention neighbors for over 30 years. When my grandpa died, a part of my soul died. Nelson came to my gramps funeral. He hugged me and told me that my grandpa loved me so much. At that time, Nelson didn’t realize what an impact that had on me & how much I needed to hear that, at that time. God sure got him a jewel, when he called Nelson home. You were such a wonderful man. You will be missed.
Sherry & Frances, my heart goes out to you. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Dad enjoyed watching you grow up. You always brought a twinkle to his eyes when you ran across the yard with Jack. Your grandmother was at the funeral. Please tell her to call me at Mom’s house. I really want to talk to her I did not get to at the funeral. Dad really missed your Grandfather and Katherine when they moved back to town and valued his relationship with them. Your Grandpa and my Dad’s freindship are people that cannot be replaced. Thanks, Melissa for all of your kind words.
What wonderful memories I have of Mr. Spitzer; he introduced me to horses. He and Frances were always very special and very kind to me. He had a heart of pure gold. Sherry, how lucky you are to have him as your father. You are all in my thoughts and prayers!
Dad had a special place in his heart for you. You were like the other daughter he and Mom couldn’t have when we were growing up. I was very lucky to have him as my Dad and I am glad I got to share him with others in so many different ways. Thank you for all of your kind words, thoughts and prayers.
Sherry & Ed, so sorry for the loss of your Dad. Sounds like a great person and know you will miss him. Would like to hear the story of the tractor. I guess David took his place at TSC when re tired Our thoughts and prayers are with your Mom , you and family
PaPaw & Granny Robinett
Audaine & Lettie
Thank you for all of your kind thoguhts and prayers. I will get Ed to tell you the story of the tractor. It will make you smile. We are very fortunate to have people like you and your family to surround us during this trying time.
Dear Francis and Family,
I just want to express the sorrow I feel upon hearing of Nelson’s passing. He became someone that I looked up to in my life just like Frances. I only met Nelson after working with Frances at the Intermediate school but they were some of my best years. I can only hope that god will take your pain in his hands to ease your suffering. May god hold you in his hands and keep you safe.
Thank you for all of your kind words, thoughts and prayers. People were very important to my Dad and more so their feelings. Mom and Dad never met a stranger and always welcomed people into their lives as family. May god hold you in his hands as well.