Lorri Ann Zinkie, 53, of Bellmead, passed away Friday, April 17, 2014.
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My two babies attend MCC Daycare, we’ve been there for 4 years. This is absolutely heartbreaking, the babies and I have missed nearly all of last week due to illness. I wished we had one more chance to waive and tell Ms. Zinkie to have a good day., and the kids to give her a big hug like all the rest of the children she so loved! This is a tragedy, she will be deeply missed! To the family, loved ones, and friends… We offer our deepest sympathy and sorrow. May you find strength TY and comfort….
~ Julie Spivey
Jacie Summerall (MCC Pre-K)
Kristoffer Summerall ( MCC Older Toddler)
My deepest sympathy both to Lorri’s natural and MCC families. I had the opportunity to spend some time with Lorri last year, traveling to a conference. She was preparing the lab school for NAEYC accreditation. She cared deeply about families of the MCC lab school. She cared deeply about giving the children there the best possible experiences daily. Our profession has lost a wonderful representative.
Family and friends, Prayers to you all Lorri was a very sweet person we have our house boats on the same dock. Lorri and us would spend time talking about how much she loved her family and stories about Hawaii. She was getting her boat ready so she could have her family and grandkids come out this summer. I’m going to miss not seeing her on her boat and hearing her Hawaiian music playing in the background. You will be missed RIP Lorri
My heart aches as I think about all of the many memories we have had the last three years. Your first summer with us was the summer I lost my dad. You were so supportive and listened to me when I needed someone to talk to. We had many laughs together as you healed from your ankle mishap and needed that extra attention. I remember thinking I will probably never have hair as longs yours to wash. It seems like it took me forever to rinse all the soap out and clean up all the water on the floor! When my oldest daughter was preparing for her marriage and my youngest daughter graduating from high school, you told me that this would be a bittersweet moment as parent but the beginning of a new chapter for Steve and I as we start like as “empty nesters.” You were such a natural leader and exactly what we, the teachers and staff of McLennan Community College CDC, needed to get us through the accreditation process. We made it through the process with flying colors because of your dedication, organizational skills, the implementation of leaving a paper trail everywhere we go and with everything we do(notebooks), and your support and guidance. I will never forget the sound of your infectious laugh, the way you hated to be cold, your love of the water and live music. You will be missed more than you know, Zinkster! Rest in peace my sweet friend!
Lorri I remember when I first met you, about three years ago you were teaching a Tarleton course I was taking. You would come to class and prop up that broken ankle while we did our class presentations. You were definitely an awesome teacher and a great inspiration. I was very lucky to be able to work with you this past year. I have learned much from you about team work, dedication and determination. You were such a strength to me and the rest of the staff as we worked towards our NAEYC Accreditation. It was your leadership that helped us to reach that goal. Your passion for Early Childhood Education was definitely evident in your daily work. I always enjoyed hearing your stories about Hawaii. A few weeks ago I was on a walk with the Infants and you stopped and sang them an Hawaiian song, they were captivated as they listened to you. I will forever remember your beautiful laughter. I will also remember sitting in your office working on those portfolios, I was burning up and you were wrapped in a blanket with the heater on. You would say, “Are you not cold, I’m freezing.” These are all good memories that I will hold with me forever. I am so grateful for the time I was allowed to spend with you, I will greatly miss you! Rest in Peace my sweet friend!
Lorri was a remarkable woman & friend. I met her not long after her arrival at MCC. My heartfelt thoughts and prayers for her family during this time. She’ll be missed by many.
To all family and friends of Lorri . Don and I are so sorry for your loss . All of you will be in our thoughts and prayers as you go through this very difficult time. I work at MCC and Lorri always had a smile when I would go in her office. She will be missed by everyone that knew her.
I didn’t expect to say goodbye this way to you Ms. Zinkie. I thought I’d be waving to you at graduation. The last words you said to me were a compliment. I’ll never forget that… Or the way you’d look over your glasses when you were in your office. You worked so hard every single day and it hasn’t gone unnoticed. These past two years working for you have been memorable and I’ll never forget your smile or laughter. Sleep easy Lorri Zinkie. Jaiden and I will miss you…
Sweet Lorri….I am heartbroken to lose you this soon! There are hundreds of us who are devastated at your passing. You have been my encourager and mentor for the last 3 years . I love you dearly. My life took a huge turn when I met you in the Fall of ’11 in Admin 1. You told the entire class to apply for the Teacher Assistant position that was open at the Child Development Center. As we left for the night, you called me aside and encouraged me to apply. You looked at me with that strong look and said I want you to work with me! I loved your inspiring emails to push me forward and remind me of my value and ability. I loved the way you would walk into the Younger Preschool classroom and hug all the children. I loved the way you smiled and laughed so beautifully. Oh how I miss you my friend and I will never forget your goodness and love for all of us. Until we meet again….God’s blessing to your family.
Goodbye Hawaiian Friend,
Enjoy the water and breezes where ever you are.
Condolences to your family.
Eva Ayers
You will be truly missed..You were and still are my favorite teacher for Tarleton. You made learning so fun..I remember this summer you offered me a job and gave me the tightest hug and gave me some excellent advice. I will miss you! I will say see you later ..
Bridget Montgomery
She made a difference. Her life touched many. She will be missed. The sadness of her passing is only tempered by the imprint she left behind.
To her family: no words can say enough to lessen your pain right now but know that your sorrow is shared. May you have many wonderful memories that see you through this difficult time.
My sincere sympathy to all who loved and respected Lorri. It is a true loss.
Dear Clay, Lisa & All of Lorris’ family; Such a sad time for you having to endure the sorrow of the unexpected passing of your sister, mom & grandma. As her cousins we were very saddened to hear such news. It has been very uplifting to read the expressions of Love & of fond memories expressed by her friends at her school. Take Care Love; Jim & Teresa
Dear Family, including cousins Clay and Lisa and Lorri’s family. As a distant cousins we were not aware of the many talents Lorri had and the wonderful work experiences that were part of her life. Our hearts go out to you all. Our prayers of comfort will be will you all. My God give you peace in your time of grief. Love Don and Terri
Ms. Zinkie was my teacher for a short while, but she had a great affect on my life. I learned a lot from her, and I will miss her dearly. May God be with the family and her many friends in our time of grief.
I send my deepest sympathy to Ms. Zinkie’s family. I also send my deepest sympathy to all the staff and families at the MCC Child Development Center. I know from my heart that this will take time for everyone to understand and except. I hope that all of you will pray to God to give you all the comfort and peace of mind that she is up in heaven with the Angels now God be with you Ms. Zinkie . Love from one of your past students Christine Dempsey.
Maaaaahhh! You’ve been such a great mother in law! I couldn’t ask for a better mah mah in law! I miss u and love u more than all the ukus in the whole wide world! We taking you back home mah! I love u so much mah! U were my rock! I’ll sure miss playing night croquet with listings airhorns in Aaron’s boots at 1030pm! Listening to Texas red dirt! Pantoon song will always be our song! Love u miss u kiss u hug u!!!! Love u maaaaaaahhhhh!!!
Hi Maaa,
The good lord put you here for many great reasons, a lifetime of greatness, and unconditional love. You’ve impacted many people and there families, everywhere you went. No words can describe the way you raised, and took care of my sisters and I. You’re the best mother, and friend a boy could ever have, from my first day in this world till your last day in this world you were my ROCK ! I’m blessed that you are my mom. The good lord called you home to be with him for a good reason. Mom……
I will live your legacy, and do my best to use the knowledge you instilled in me this past 34 years, to teach the youth, and be more involved with the community I reside in.. Mom this is not good bye, because I know you and the good lord with always be with me kimmi, and the kids.. Mom I miss you sooo much, until we meet again, love Kaili kimmi jito cait and shayne, and me, your son.. Hey mom I know your smiling down on me, because I came to Texas 🙂
It’s my honor and duty to bring you home…. I’d like to send out a big warm mahalo to all my mothers co-workers and staff, her friends far and wide for there thoughts, prayers, and condolences.. Being in Waco tx. Shows me why my mom loved this place soo much, for I too have fell in love with Texas… Mahalo to all and god bless..
With love, from lorri’s children, and grandchildren….
Hi Lorri,
When I heard you weren’t with us anymore my heart was broken. Lorri you were such a kind lady and a wonderful friend. We had so many laughs together. You will always be in my thoughts sweetie. I will truly miss you! God has called home an angel.
Sweet Lorri,
I sit here and think back to our first meeting.I was so taken by your laughter, your love for the children that you had just met at our camp site.Words cannot express my heavy heart. So many things we all wanted to do together.We will see you again in Heaven Lorri and pick back up where we left off.To your family we never met thank you for sharing her with us. RIP sweet lady.
My dear sweet friend Lorri. I just Learned of your passing tonight. I’m in shock. I just saw you and we talked about your love for Hawaii and your grandson. anytime I talked to you it was always about your kids and grandkids. You had a passion for them that is indescribable. You also had a passion for Hawaii. The moment I met you I knew we would be friends. We connected and even my boys formed a special bond with you. Because of you my wedding day was special. You were always so giving to my boys and they love you dearly and oh so looked forward to fishing off your boat and spending time with you. You had a passion for your work and was a very independent person. I admired that in you. I will truly miss you. My heart breaks that you are nor here. I will miss you my dear friend.
Lorri, we only just met you last summer, but you were so sweet and so enjoyable to be around. I remember how much Regina & Chris’ boys enjoyed fishing off your barge. I am so very sorry to hear of losing you. You made a very big impression on all of us that were lucky enough to have met you. I wish that we could have been there for you that evening to help you through. You will be missed Girl, especially by Richie…he was so taken by you…by all of us. We will see you again!!!!
She will be miss when I first start mclennan community college in the fall she help me get advise by someone else since the advisor had problems. She said hi to be still since every year I was in the the lab..
I am so sorry. I never got a lot of time with her. She was always there working and I knew if I needed to I could talk to her.
I am grateful to have met her. Please know that she is loved by a lot of people.
None of this makes sense. She was too strong and amazing of person for this to happen… I just can’t believe it.
Just an awesome person!
Yesterday was May 8th…the first day I heard of Lorri’s passing. To say I was shocked was an understatement. I can’t really remember the day I met Lorri but I do remember the impact she had on me when she enrolled her daughters in my Hula Halau (hula school). As stated by the many friends, she had a passion like no other. She was hardworking, smart, always ready to take on any task…no matter how big.
She had many talents. One of them was her ability of whipping up a hula costume for her girls at any given moment.
Always ready to give so unselfishly of herself. That’s the kind of person she was.
Lorri came home to Hilo for a visit in December and as I look back on that visit, I thank God that he allowed her the time to visit me and share her life since she left Hilo. How proud she was of her children and so happy that she could rest a little easy because they were becoming very prosperous and continuing the legacy of being parents. The proof of course is all her mo`opuna (grandchildren). She loved them so.
She spoke of her job and all the people she worked with; how happy she was…contented is the correct word. She spoke about loving her job and all the people she worked with. She even suggested I send my daughter down to Waco to maybe apply for a job. My daughter lives in Dallas…and her name is Lore…Was just like her…so open and generous. And yes, until I read about her boat, she did share the fact that it was her getaway. She so loved it
when she was on her boat.
Before leaving Hilo, I invited her to attend my annual Christmas party. She attended w/her granddaughter and we both were so glad that she just happened to come home and once again, attend another halau party that she was once a part of. Little did we both know that it would be the last time we would see each other.
To Poogy, Aaron and Noe and all the mo`opuna, I along w/my `ohana and my halau `ohana send you our deepest condolences and hope that you will continue your mother’s legacy of the love she so generously gave without hesitation.
So Lorri, I’m sure you remember… in Hawai`i we never say good-bye…we say “A hui hou”…until we meet again.
Me Ke Aloha Pumehana..(With warmest Aloha) n-t Pua
When you came in this world you cried and we rejoiced when you left us we cried and you rejoiced. Heart to heart.