Leon Lloyd Halstead, Jr., 65, of Austin, went to be with Jesus on January 8th 2014. Private family services with Lake Shore Funeral Home.
Leon was born July 5th 1948 in Kalamazoo, Michigan to Minnie and Leon Halstead, Sr. He grew up in Stockton and Sacramento, California. In 1967, Leon married his high school sweetheart, Sharen Eggen, in Sacramento. Leon was in the Navy from 1966 to 1968, and served a tour in Vietnam. In August 1977, he and his family moved to Colorado where he worked for Reynolds Recycling for 22 years. He worked multiple misc. jobs until 2006 when he moved to Austin, Texas.
Throughout his life he loved children and would do things to make each child feel special. He dressed up as Santa Claus each Christmas and handed out candy to kids in the neighborhood and at schools. He took nieces, nephews, daughters and grandchildren out on individual

Leon I am glad your pain is ona and U are with God! I know he has wrap his hands around U and Sharen! I just want to TY For all the kindest U gave to My sister Jeri! She loved U both! and I know she was there waiting for U when U enter Heaven! Many Blessings!
I love you! And I will see you one day in Heaven!
I am so sorry to read of your loss, you have my deepest sympathy and prayers. Writing can also be a helpful release. Some who find it difficult to talk about their feelings may find it easier to express themselves in writing. Or maybe talk to God in prayer.1Thessalonians 5:14. Revelation 21:3,4.
I will miss you truly but you are home in heaven with mom and dad and I will see you again some day.
I will always remember how you used to call me up and say how is my birthday buddy!! I loved how we were born on the same day! There are so many favorite memories of you that I can’t write them all. You will be sorely missed but I know that we will see each other in Heaven!
I was heartbroken Sharen and girls when I heard about your loss last night. May the Lord be with you and yours through this very very sorrowful and difficult time. May the Lord give you the strenghth you need to get through this until you meet Leon again. Love in Christ, The Fohls
My Daddy!!!! My Boys papa!!! and Jeslynns bebah!!! we miss the poo outta ya!!! its hard to come up with the right words to say its been such a emotional rollercoaster…what I do know is I am so so happy you are free of the pain!! I have tried so hard to( stay strong!!! ) as you told me to do and I hope I am making you proud!!! I live every day seeing you in my eyes and your stubbornness through your grandkids (thanks allot btw!!) you will be forever missed I love you so!! so much!! forever love your daughter Jules
God Bless his sweet soul and may he rest in eternal peace.
Sending God’s Strength and Love to Sharen and all his family…..
We will miss you Leon. We thank God we got to meet you at bingo.
Thankful for the love Leon had for his family! God’s blessings to you all as you mourn the loss your husband and best friend, daddy, papa/grandpa. May his love and legacy continue through you all! Praise God that Leon is free of pain. The Victory is his!!
My condolences to Leon’s wife, his daughters and all his family. May he rest in peace. Sharen, I know I am in California but I am here for you and yours. May God watch over you all. – Pamela
Leon u bravery an love for your family will always be remembered we came upon a 10 things u wanted to complete before u die list an you did most of all those things Leon I’m so proud of you an I promise to always be here for your loving family those boys loved u as much as u loved them all my love to you Leon Bingo toby
Sweetie, It’s been 1 year since you went to be with Jesus. I miss you so much. Never expected you to leave me, even after 46 1/2 years of marriage. Thought you’d be around till our 90’s.
So many times I’ve had those silly questions that only you could answer. I miss talking to you, hugging my teddy bear. Still expect you to come through the door any minute. Like you just stepped out.
I remember how you’d sneak down to Mc Donslds to get coffee when I thought it was bad for your condition.
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I finally gave in and made you organic coffee.
If I only knew what I know now.
Sweetie I thank you for the gifts you left me. Thanks for our family, 2 beautiful daughters, 2 beautiful granddaughters, and 2 very active grandson’s. We all miss you, we all love you.❤️
hi Dad been thinking about you allot just wanted to pop in and say hello..Toby reminded me about this site the other day I hate to say it but it’s been forever since I have been on here.. The boys are growing up so fast and your love and cupcake are back home where they should be… Mom is doing very well and has accomplished so many things that you worked on for years!! We love and miss you!
Your living daughter Julie
Dad it’s been a rough last year!! But we see the light at the end of the tunnel.. I have done as you always told me to do and have found happiness.. everyone is doing really good and if only you could see all the work that has been done at your house you would smile?We miss you every day and have kept your memory alive on what you called spaceballs also know as Facebook #alwaysinourhearts1love
Hey grandpa it’s been a battle for us over the year, jumping house , to house, not knowing where our daddy is most of the time, but it’s making sense now!!! Our daddy has been our mentor an backbone through out this rollercoaster ride !!! Did mommy tell you she got married yet again ? We’re happy for her , after all it’s about momma being happy first, that’s the top priority , the man she married has walked the isle a good 4 or 5 times as well , so hopefully 9 times the charm grandpa ….he’s fun though grandpa he has kids from a lot of marriages , it’s almost like being at daycare when were at mommy’s new kids coming an going all the time an momma says it’s one big happy familey… Grams seems well, we learned that you don’t want to leave your animals around her though she doesn’t like pets, an they come up missing a lot around her. We dont know what she does with them but she is good !!!! Talk later
Happy Heavenly birthday. Today you would have been 69.
I thank you my sweet husband, for all you taught me. You knew before me that I could survive.
I will miss you so much. The great man that walked beside me.
I will always LOVE ❤️ you. Until we are reunited…….❤️
To my sweetheart❤️
This week would have been our 50th wedding anniversary.
Plans are to go through all the old pictures, listen to OUR music ????, and just REMEMBER.
You know how much this family misses you. And although your grandson’s were very young, they remember their Papa. They often ask why can’t you come visit, like now?
My sweet Leon, I want to thank you for leaving a very strong and determined women, behind. You had more faith in me than I did myself.
I’ll miss you always. Until we meet again.
Sweet, sweet Leon….I miss you so much.
As we start another New Year without you, we are
keeping your memories alive for your precious grandson’s.
You’d be so proud of how much they’ve grown. They are always asking me about their Papa.
They want to know when you’ll come a visit…???? We’ve explained you are in heaven with Jesus.
Byron thinks you are a star, as he stares toward heaven.
You, my sweetheart, will always be my hero, my star, my love❤️ I LOVE YOU❤️
My sweetheart! The holidays are upon us again.
Decorating was one of you favorite things to do. Me on the other hand….not my most favorite idea of having fun.
The grandson’s helped me put the lights up and rake and clean the yard. We did ok…
Time goes on so quickly. It’s nearly 6 years since you left. We still keep your memory alive for the boys.
You’d be so proud to see what handsome little people they are.
They still ask about you and who’s in heaven with you.
Merry Christmas to the sweetest man I’ll ever know. Hugs we all love you!!!!!
Heavenly Merry Christmas! My thoughts go back to the last Christmas you was here. How you struggled to stay…and we sure wanted you to stay. But knowing you’re in beautiful place with Jesus. My heart is warmed and is still healing.
Your grandson’s are full of energy and still as about you!
You’d be so proud of all tour grands.
A new granddaughter who’s now 1 year old.
And Julies step children….we are quiet a sight when all together. They would have loved you, Papa.
We will always love and miss you!!! My hero❤️
Sweetheart💗Life goes on so rapidly now. There’s always something happening here with the grands.
I sold our huge house and moved into another smaller home. Destiny is now 2 years old. Oh how much fun you’d be having with this sweet little smiling girl. The things you could teach her. Anyways the 7th anniversary of you leaving has been by far the easiest when it comes to tears. We miss you but have so much to keep us busy.
You’ll always be my sweetheart!!!! You completed me. I will always miss you my love. Loving you always and forever. Have fun in heaven with Jesus😘💗
I see I’ve not been on here for quite some time. Well those holidays are here again and soon you’ve been gone 9 years.
Who would know the emotional journey this has been. Last Christmas saw the last granddaughter move out. Life is really peaceful and I am finally starting to enjoy my new house.
I thank you everyday for your sacrifice that provides for me daily.
I did put up some of those lights( rope) that you spent so much money on🤣
My heart smiles when I see sweet pictures of you. I love and miss you so much. Happy celebrating with Jesus🎄
Time marches on…and sweetie you are so missed.
We are in 2024 now , and like all years, this one is rushing by.
The grandkids are growing up quickly and I wish you was here to love on them and encourage their walk into adulthood.
We had a scare with Jeslynn last month with her spending her birthday at the hospital.
Collin will be in highschool in the fall..Byron will enter middle school and Destiny will enter kindergarten after a year of P-K.
I did part with your expensive Christmas lights this year…I am purging and downsizing again.
I love you more each day. I miss all the times we had together. This year will be our 57th anniversary. I’ll celebrate and be thinking of you. “💗I Love You💗”