Jeffery Lynn Brazier, 37, formerly of Lorena, passed away on Friday, March 22, 2013. A graveside service will be 3 PM Monday at Lorena Cemetery. Thoughts and memories may be shared in the online Guest Book at www.LakeShoreFuneralHome.com.
He was preceded in death by his father, Timothy Brazier; grandmother, Addie Fae Brazier; and grandfather, H.B. Brazier.
Survivors include son, Hollis Brazier; daughter, Angel Brazier; brothers, Andrew Brazier and Tommy Brazier; and mother, Joyce Brazier.

I wished I would have been able to see my cousin before this had to happen. It had been so long but I still loved him and wish his family the best.
Words can’t describe how heartbroken I am right now. We have been best friends since third grade. I just pray for you, my brother, and I hope others pray for me so we can reunite again one day. I honor you as a friend to me, for the way you told me you loved your family and the way in which you loved and served your country.
We may be friends, but I have not been half the man in 37 years that you were.
You and your family have the entirety of my heart this evening.
I love you, Bro. God speed you, and until we meet again, I will carry your shining light and your wonderful memory.
Words cannot express how sorry I am for your loss. That is why I look to the Bible for comforting thoughts. Scriptures like Psalms 46:1 and 55:22 tell us to throw our burdens on God because He wants to be there for us during our times of distress. At Revelation 21:4 it also tells us that God will do away with all pain, suffering, sickness, and death in the near future. Until then, I have found that the best way to benefit from God’s offer of comfort is by getting to know His personal name which is found at Psalms 83:18. I hope your loving memories of Jeff will bring you solace during this difficult time.
I will always love you and you will be truly missed Aunt Diana god speed and we will meet again, all my love Jeff!
I never knew you but I looked a long time.