Our sweet, valiant and strong Jane McNeil Kennedy came into the world to the very loving and eternal family of Scott Andrew Kennedy and Caitlin McNeil Palmer on April 9, 2018 and returned to her heavenly home on February 28, 2024.
Jane was a true Texan, strong and tough, even though her hardest days and darkest nights right up to the very end. It was all too soon for her to leave us but we are so thankful and so blessed that we know Jane is now healed from her mortal pains and frailties and is walking with Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. This knowledge alone has helped ease the pain of losing her.
Jane has had a big impact on everyone she’s met. Her sweet pink glasses she began wearing at 10 months endeared everybody early to the smiley baby. She was a talkative three-year-old when her mama asked Jane what the bump on her arm was. It was just ‘another elbow’ Jane replied. This “other elbow” began the long, hard process of Leukemia recovery which she was still entertaining up until she passed. Jane has been poked, sedated, infused, received blood, had blood drawn, received MANY lumbar punctures or spinal taps, given oral medication, MRI’s, CT scans, slept on hospital beds, a port and pick lines installed and removed more than any person should have to go through. Ever. With all of the chemo treatments that she has endured it wasn’t that that was her demise. It was her frail and weak immune system. She contracted meningitis and fought it like a warrior through the whole month of February until she could fight no longer.
Jane’s older sister, Nellie helped Jane endure so much in her short life. They loved each other as best friends and accomplices. Nellie was Jane’s biggest cheerleader and helper and will miss her beyond any expression of words. Jane was the adventure leader with Andrew and he will miss his older sister on earth as the instigator of their fun. Baby Tessa always brought a laugh and a hug to sweet Jane. There is not a better daddy that loves his children more than Scott does. He is the most loving and fun father and the apple of Jane’s eye, still. And her mama, Caitlin. How could a mother show more love and devotion than Caitlin has to her children and to sweet Jane. Caitlin was and still is Jane’s advocate, loving her with all of her heart, tenderly reaching for Jane, always there to succor, help and love. Together these parents have taught their children all about who created the world and who completed the Atonement to bless and help mankind. The center of their home was God. And it shows.
We know who has Jane’s hand now. It is our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He loves the children. He was there for Jane during this difficult time. Jane’s last words coming out of an anesthesia were “I can’t see Him anymore.” We know the Him was Jesus. We know that Jane and her beautiful eyes saw the perfect Son of God, sees Him now and walks with Him in peace and health.
How can we even begin to thank the myriad of people who blessed and helped our family throughout this long, but too short, journey. Our heart strings are eternally connected to those who have prayed and prayed, given personal blessings, sent gifts of help in all forms and sizes, sacrificed their personal time tending, reading, caring and nurturing the other 3 children, prepared and delivered delicious meals, sat by Jane’s bedside, and trained professionally to know how to keep Jane’s little body comfortable and loved. How do we thank a loving and eternal Father in Heaven for His beautiful plan of sending our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, to atone for all the pain and suffering that we would endure on this earth. How do we thank Him that sends peace and direction, quietly but assuredly, always as a light to guide the way? All glory be given to God!!!
Jane, we miss you with all of our hearts and we know that you miss us, too, but you are in a perfect place as a perfect creation. We are so happy that you are well, that you will have no more pain, no more pokes. May our hearts and minds be poked from God to remind us what to do to be able to return to Him so that we may be united with God, and you, again, one day soon.
Flowers can be delivered to Lake Shore Funeral Home, 5201 Steinbeck Bend, Waco, TX 76708.
Celebration of Jane’s Life
Saturday, March 9, 2024
LDS Chapel
7201 Viking Drive, Waco, TX 76710
Visitation begins at 9:00 a.m. with Service at 10:00 a.m.

Caitlin and Scott,
Our hearts grieve the loss of sweet Jane and we are so sorry for what you’ve had to endure the past few years and ultimately now. We love Jane and your beautiful family so much and we pray you will continue to feel Gods love and comfort at this time. Your sweet Jane is now your angel on the other side and she will always be watching over your family.
With love,
The DeWitt family
What a light! Sending our love and praying for your family to be lifted up in all the tender mercies to give comfort now and throughout this mortal experience.
Feeling very close to your huge adjustment and glad for the concentration of love from extended family. We’re with you as much as we can be!
The most awesome and beautiful obituary that I have ever read…..
I’m so sad the pain and affliction that Jane endured…yet, so glad that she
was able to give to her family the beautiful gift of her presence….
I’m so thankful we have the hope of Heaven and God’s peace that passeth all
understanding. My prayers to those left behind.
I know the pain, the heart wrenching grief of losing a child. Caitlin & Scott you are the most loving parents, I see it in your children’s eyes when you holding them. I pray that your hearts will find comfort knowing where Jane is & who is holding her now. I loved Jane, what a sweet lovely happy little girl. I remember her glowing face as she went off to her own Primary class in January. Her big sister Nellie was always her constant companion and protector, where one was, there was the other.
I will miss her happy face, her pink glasses, her beautiful curly brown hair, but most of the feeling that I always had when I was around her of being closer to heaven. May God bless you with comfort and peace at this time and always.
I’m so sorry. We love you so much!
My heart goes out to you all !! Jesus said suffer the little children !! She is in his loving arms now!! You will be together again! ❤️❤️❤️🙏
Scott and Family: I’m so sorry to hear of the loss of your sweet girl. Thank you for sharing your message of faith and perseverance through such a hard time. You will continue in my prayers and surely God’s Grace. – Katie Hirt Matteson
So very sorry to hear of your painful loss. God bless your family in the days ahead.
Oh Caitlin and Scott, our hearts are breaking with this news! We love you and will keep your sweet family in our prayers! Phil and Julie Meeks
Caitlin and Scott and your beautiful little family, and Susan and Scott our neighbors in Utah. Jeff and I send deepest condolences at this difficult time. That beautiful little girl taught everyone how to be strong. She’s with her savior now, and will never be forgotten. May God bless you all and give you strength now and always. Jeff & Stacy Jolin
Sending love and prayers for your family at this difficult time. Families are forever ❤️
Hearing this sad, but remarkable Child of God from Scott Palmer on YouTube, and just want to express my heartfelt prayer for her family. I know how hard it is to lose a loved one. My father-in-law passed away in 2005, and my brother-in-law passed away in 2013, and I know we will see them again. My grandma passed away in 2008, and my grandpa died in 2010. I have many memories of my grandparents and still hold those memories dear to my heart. Cherish the memories and know that you will be reunited with your dear Jane again. God bless you.
You don’t me, but I am touched by this dearest child and what her short life has meant. What a beautiful tribute from a loving Grandmother with a broken heart and a strong testimony of faith in Christ. I am truly so sorry for your family at this time. My deepest love and condolences go out to you all. Z Elaine Lee
What a beautiful tribute to a beautiful little girl. My heart aches for all your family. I pray God’s blessings will be upon you to comfort you and bring you peace.
Sue Stinnett (a watcher)
Phoenix, Arizona
My heart and prayers go to you all at this special time of sadness for the departure of sweet Jane.
May the Lord embrace you with his love and his hands holds yours hearts to see his glory and purpose in each of us. Little, but big as the Noth star 🌟 ⭐ sweet Jane left this earth to shine with the heroes of the Lord in heaven. What a blessing for all of you be part of a wonderful, and beautiful angel and hero of God.
God be with you always 🙏
Maria Rosas
Our prayers go out to your family. Jane was a pillar of light in a world that is dark and unforgiving. She is a beautiful soul and is an example to all of us. My mother loved your family so much. My mom was always excited to watch your kids and I know it brought her joy. I am sure she was there when Jane passed through the veil. We are happy Jane is in a better place walking with our Savior and out of pain. She showed us all what is important in life, what it means to fight for what matters. I know, without a doubt, that Jane will always be connected to your family because of your righteousness and desire to be together forever. Kids are a blessing and they teach us so much. Jane went through more than any child should, but fought every minute. She is now at peace and will continue to bless your lives until you are able to reunite with her. We are praying for you and if there is anything we can do please let Julie or I know. We love you and pray you will be comforted during this difficult time.
I didn’t know your little baby girl. My daughter Katie Horton is a teacher at the co op where your kiddos go. My bible study and prayer group has been praying for little Jane. I can’t tell you how sorry I am for your lose .I too have lost a child and it is a pain beyond belief. I pray for Comfort and peace for you and your family
My heart, love, and prayers certainly go out to each of you in your beautiful family. I had the joy meeting sweet Jane and her adorable smiles and loving family during my twin granddaughter, Danielle and Caroline’s first t-ball season this past fall with Jane on their adorable team. We will be praying for all of you and I certainly know this sweet girl is blessing heaven with her beautiful heart and smile. Prayers to all of you!!!
I will remember little Jane. Thank you for sharing her life with us. May her memories bring you joy, while you wait to see her again. I pray that you will feel her love and God’s love in those quiet moments of longing.
Sending love,
Diana Boydstun
We love you ❤️
To The Kennedy Family, our hearts are broken to hear of the news of Jane’s Passing. Our family feels honored to have known such a bright child and that you shared her story and her with us. We will miss her dearly at play dates and parties. Our hearts and prayers are with y’all each and every night. We love you guys ! 🤍
You don’t know me I learned of 𝒮𝓌ℯℯ𝓉 𝒥𝒶𝓃ℯꨄ
from your Aunt. My family has prayed for 𝒥𝒶𝓃ℯ and your family we still are praying that you can feel arms wrapped around you and feel comfort and know how loved you are by so many. 𝒥𝒶𝓃ℯ’𝓈 strength and her beautiful heart
has touched our hearts. She has touched more lives on this earth than anyone could possibly know. She is such a beautiful little angel. We are so deeply sorry for your loss . We know 𝒥𝒶𝓃ℯ is dearly loved and missed. We also know she is in the Saviors loving arms and she is happy. Our prayers and love are with your sweet family.
Caitlin, Scott, Nellie, Andrew and Tessa,
My Heart is with you as you navigate the unknown. I will continue to envision God’s infinite Love wrapping each of you tightly. May you be witness to eachothers experience of Grief and simply allow it to move through you as it will, holding and supporting one another as only you can. May your extended family and community be there to offer compassion, kindness and a listening ear.
Breath . . .Deep Breath’s.
I thank the lord for letting me be a person to witness the great times, and moments shared with Jane. I loved coming over and running around hand and hand with her and Nellie. I always and forever will love playing dress up and family with them. And I’m very very happy to be able to hear little Jane’s laugh it brought me so much joy! It will forever be heard in my mind and so many others. Thank you for all the great memories shared. Love Christine ❤️
I pray that God will comfort you and give you peace at this time for the loss of precious Jane.
I’m so thankful that I had the privilege of getting to know your sweet angel. She was such a beautiful little girl that has touched the lives so many people. What a special spirit she has and she has taught us all how precious life is. May your family be touched by the spirit and filled with love and compassion. You are such special parents. If you ever need to talk and just do lunch sometime, please give me a call Caitlin! May Heavenly Father continue to bless your sweet family!
My heart is breaking for your family. You all are in my thoughts and prayers. May you find joy in the time and memories you were given with her here on earth, and peace and comfort knowing she is happy and healthy in her heavenly home in the arms of her Heavenly Father.