Billy Charles Rogers aka Bill C. Rogers died on September 23, 2012 in Killeen, Texas. He is survived by his wife Donna Rogers; his brother Bob Rogers; his daughter Loren Acuna; and, two granddaughters, Alison and Christina Acuna.
Billy was born in Lubbock County, Texas in 1936, the child of Lester and Lola Rogers. He graduated from Abilene Christian University in 1958. He moved to Los Angeles, California to study at the prestigious Art Center College of Design. He attained his Masters in Art, from California State University, Northridge in 1977 and a Masters in Marriage Family and Child Counseling in 1979. After many years in California working as a graphic design artist, Bill moved back to Texas in 1999 to care for his aging mother, Lola Rogers before she passed away from Alzheimer’s Disease.
During his retirement, Bill Rogers became aware of injustices in the Texas prison system and his life took on a focus to serve people who were incarcerated. He worked to give hope to prisoners as well as to bring light to a system he saw as ungodly. He gave much of his time and money to providing personal assistance to prisoners and lived with one goal: to serve the Lord by serving prisoners. He would often note Jesus asked us to care for prisoners as if they were Jesus (Matthew 25:36.) He passionately championed the cause of prisoner rights in Texas and will be missed by many still in prison whom he visited and to whom he wrote on a regular basis.
His family will be holding a memorial service at Trinity Baptist Church in Gatesville, Texas on Saturday, September 29, 2012 at 4:00 pm.

Bill will be truly missed. He and Donna were a true blessing unto me, upon my release, and we have kept in touch and encouraged one another.
My prayers go out to the Rogers family.
Bill Rogers was not your ordinary man he was a kind gentle hearted man always willing to give and lend a helping hand. He always new what one needed and encourager he was. The cards and letters he sent were so greatly appreciated, he took time out of his busy schedule to let us know that we weren
Billy’s biography is an inspiration to me through its specificity about his reaching out to others during recent years in Texas. Billy was also selfless over the years I shared with him in California in the late 60’s and 70’s. He expressed courage and independence through his excellent singing in church, and his not infrequent leading of songs that were not familiar to many in he congregation. Fond memories include many water skiing weekends, multiple Thanksgiving holidays in underdeveloped rv sites near Ensenada, snow skiing in Yosemite, New Years’ Eve celebrations that extended to at least 5 football games on New Years Day, and many others. I smile as I remember Billy using his new Spanish vocabulary in Mexico City to order breakfast when he ordered "frijoles con crema" (bean with cream) when he meant to order "fresas con crema" (strawberries with cream). Wherever Billy was, whatever he had he would readily share. Billy Charles Rogers will be missed.
Here is a 6 word memior for my dad as there are too many memories and stories to share here.
"Texan Don Quioxte Tilts Heaven’s Gate."
Happy "Graduation Day" Daddy.
Bill was and is the best husband since Adam to Eve. His legacy is never ending and will be carried on by his selfless example of living life DOING what God said.
His Mustard Seed faith works was his desire to live in the Holy City eating his ‘chili’ and exploring the heavens. Bill awaits my our arrival and cheers us on. It took till today to be able to function a bit to write, but daily and nightly in tears I talk to God and Bill. Forever and Always your loving wife, Donna and as you, Bill, named me Eudocia.