Julia Kaye Patterson Leeper was born on May 15, 1962 and passed away January 3, 2024 at
Baylor Scott & White Hillcrest Hospital.
Julia was preceded in death by her father and mother, Reverend Jimmy and Sue Patterson; sister,
Dianna Armstrong; and Aunt Florean Yarbrough. She is survived by her two sons, Andrew and
Jeffery; twin sister, Cynthia Anthony Shelton; brother, Jimmy Patterson; her nephews and nieces
that she loved as her very own, Matthew, Jeremy, Amanda, Daniel and Jennifer as well as the
many friends she has made in this life and considered family.
Julia made space for others and came to the rescue for so many. She spent her years on this
earth giving, listening, loving and playing it by ear. She was a songwriter, and she played the
piano for the Gatesville Revival Center. She was a pillar of strength and calm… Although the
vessel is no longer here, Julia lives on forever in our hearts and in heaven walking the streets of gold!

My sympathy to all that loved her. She is now at peace with Jesus because of His amazing grace.