Rosa T. Gallardo, 88, of Waco, passed away Friday, December 11, 2009 at her residence. Services will be 10AM Wednesday, December 16th at Lake Shore Funeral Home Chapel. Burial will follow at Rosemound Cemetery. Visitation will be 6 to 6PM Tuesday at Lake Shore Funeral Home, 5201 Steinbeck Bend in Waco. Thoughts and memories may be shared in the online Guest Book at www.LakeShoreFuneralHome.com.
She was preceded in death by her parents; two brothers; and three sisters.
Survivors include daughters, Frances Torres and Virginia Palacios; son, Freddy Gallardo, Sr.; grandchildren, Melissa Gallardo, Elizabeth Balboa, Veronica Torres, Jose

hi grandma,how you doing well i hope that you and god are having a blast,I BET YALL ARE:) anyways i wanted too say that you where such a good person and that it was so sad too see you go:( i miss yooh! i also miss just sitting on the bed with you! and we’d play barbies or talk read books yea thos are the things i miss most about you:( you where a good friend and grandmother! well gotta go ill be back i love you grandma
Grandma, just here thinking about you. And wishing you were hear to be with me. I went to the cementary the other day, And i just cannot believe it has been 6 months already, seems just like yesterday. the pain/ hurt hasnt gotten easier. the person who said that time heals all wounds, must have been lying or hadnt experienced any real hurt. I sure do miss you, alot, too much. but estoy confiando en cristo y se que algun dia si sigue en el sendero de dios and be obedient to his word te volvere a ver, tenlo x seguro. y asi enonces pa cantarle juntas pa la eternidad. i love you and for ever will have you dear to my heart. muah xoxo
grandma. jut got home from church. it was nice but the preaching was a lil boring hahaha…thats b/w me and you okay. things have been going okay. school is about to start again. and im excited but just hoping that nursing is for me cuz sometimes i have my doubts. i dont love it but i know i worked hard to get here and God would have made it possible if it were not for me right….i love you alot and i can only tell you these things. cuz you always listened to me. i sure do miss you, you dont know how much. but i know where you are you still loving me and seeing for me. i love you and miss you always. much love and besos from landi grandma. muah
Hey grams hows it going up there well good i hope. Well i have come to see you today i really wish i could talk to you tho. well dad and the family are having some problems they are fighting over the house and i think it is so rediculis i mean they are brother and sister they should always stick together RIGHT? I kno that if you where here they would not be doing this because you wouldent let them. Well enuff talk about that i miss you so much i hate thinking that your passing was gods way of telling i need to straighten up and that if only i wouldent have been in jail that you would still be alive. Well its so hard these days life is getting more and more depressing. Sometimes i wish that i could trade places with you so you could have your life over again even tho you never made any mistakes its like you where god himself. You where a healer! And you healed my broken heart many times. its like when you the skies went black it rained for hours there was no sunshine and then i remembered that you where the life with blue skies and sunny days. I miss you so darn much i wish you where here so i would have a sholder to cry on or a hand to hold. well i love you please dont ever leave me EVER! I love you grams……..
grandma I did what I promised you and God. Please dont forget about me. i love you so. and i also know that i need to continue what i said i would do to make you proud of me and first of all God himself. which is most important.
I do miss you soooo much. They say that time heals all wounds. but i guess time going by slowly cuz i dont feel no better and i still miss you just as much with every day that goes by. i think about everyday and many moments i picture you. sometimes i can still hear you. your clothes still smell like you, sweet and like a grandma. i miss you! i wish i could see you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and give you a hug and kiss like before. grandma just dont forget about me ok i love you grandma.
hey granmda, just here thinking about you. I hope you like the lil’ eggs i put out there, they are cute right? i know that you would have more loved to see them and hold the lil chick. i thought it was cute. guess what, i know you’d be happy for me bc i got a job at providence in the st. catherines. so i can help more people who are like you were, in need. altho sometimes it makes me tear-eyed bc i see them and i see you, but i know you would want me to help other people’s grandparents. i am just so happy you never had to go to a nursing home.
i miss you. i still be thinking about you all the time. i love you. but i am confident that one day we will see eacho ther soon, and am also sure it will be one day soon bc chrsit is coming y no tarda ya. this is why i want to really try hard going to church, i know i have faltado mas al ir a iglesia but i ve been going to hrmo Juanito siniceros, i really enjoy it. so imma try harder to make this a priority bc i know you want me to keep on with the journey so we can all sing and rejoice together in god’s kingdom. granmda i love you too much and miss you as well…yoli
Grandma, guess what? Praise the Lord, I passed all my classes this semester!!! I knew you’d keep praying for. Im more excited to be on vacation though, i can finally rest now. I got you a suprise, that i think you are really gonna love. imma take it to you on Mother’s day though, so no se me desespere ok lol. It’s my mother’s day without you, it saddens me but i am happy to know one thing, you wanna know what that one thing is? That at least you with you mommy this mother’s day. I know it had been such a long time you didnt have her. but i love you and the love i have for never diminishes. it is still as strong as ever. I love you !!!XOXO
Grandma did you like your flowers? Raul planted them lol…so they should grow …I love you muah@@@@
hey grandma, did you see your flowers didnt die lol. i guess raul is mexican after all! We were gonna go camping at Fort Parker State park today but they had no shelters so we made a trip to Cobb Cementary to go see your folks. everything looked okay, but i hope next week we can go out there and put flowers or something cuz it looks a little bare.
seems like no one has been out there in a while.
well i know it late but i couldnt sleep, i guess cuz i went to sleep earliy at 9pm and woke up at 5am. just now.
i wasnt able to sleep the nite before, i guess im gettin use to staying up since ive been working the 7pm-7am shift at Providence …well like always and forever, im just stopping by to say i love and i miss you, words cannot express how much. but i know you knew and still know that.and i know you still praying for me and toi to get back into churh like before, it still hard, and you know why…but imma try to go today sunday. i love you grandma!!!!
Grandma, Just here to say that I love you. I am thinking about you. like always. and missing you as much as ever. I hope you keep praying for us b/c we all need it. I ask myself many of times" why does it seem like our life broke once you were called upon?" i have been thining a little though maybe we are wrong for feeling this way. i mean you are our grandma and we all loved you soo much and still do, but maybe God is upset at us b/c we should be happy he took you from suffering and hurt and world’s ugliness. maybe God is offended that we viewing you as our "everything" and you always told us that a person should be second and GOD first. I think we may be wrong, i dk. i wish i could talk to someone, but lately it been kindda a hus-husg subject, pple keep to themselves and when i wanna take they make me feel like i should be over your death. but how to forget and get over someone who loved and devoted so much time to me? i cant understand grandma..why did you have to go??? why? why? aveces pienso que no hicimos algo bien o que no estabas feliz aqui con nosotros. que mas pudimos hacer. pero todo cambiaria x tenerte aqui y tan siquiera darte un abrazo y beso y decirte lo mucho que TE AMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. me duele tanto el corazon…..pero te amo y te extrano. besos y abrazos para ti viejita 🙂
grandma. just here thinking about everything but mostly thinking of you. and more than ever wishing you were here, that we be together. time has gone by so fast and is still moving quickly and yet the hurt still remains just as heavy as that first second i knew your spirit had left us. i sure wish i had you right now to hold me and put my arms around you and hear you tell that everything is going to be okay. i know god will look out for us and even though we dont have you physically to pray for us, i am sure now more than ever god hears you. i just hope and pray that one day soon the lord will come for his people and that ill be ready so we can all be together again. this is why im trying so hard because quiero estar en la mansion de dios y volver a verte algun dia. i love you so, please dont ever think that ill go forgeting you as the time goes by because i promise you that that will NEVER happen. i love you grandma all my hugs and kisses to you viejita. mua@
grandma hope you like you tree and the puppy and dd you see how kiko was trying to help me put everything in it’s place. guess what, i got a lil baby pekingnese today. he’ll come home in january. i love and miss you. and you’ll always be in my heart. you my #1 girl!!!
Grandma, even tho i know you can’t actually read this message, i just want to say that " i love you". i miss you so bad it hurts, life just aint the same no more. I know you would want us to think positively but how can one do that when their world is crush and ruined. My love for you will not diminished, it will kerp growing stonger. Because i know one day i’ll see you again and we will be spending time together like we use to when you were physically here. I think about you every day and every minute. It is worse at home, because i get here and I can’t take you nothing to eat no more, i can’t go ask if you want a glass or water or do you want a candy. Maybe things by now should be getting easier, but for me and in my heart your memory and love is stronger than ever. I wish i could be with you now. i think that all the time. i wish we could go outside and eat, like we would do or go buy a cheese burger and go to the park and eat. It were times like those that i think about mostly. Altho even times that you’d get upset at me when i was a lil’ girl, but you get over it fast. Grandma i just wanna say that I love you. And altho some people have told that i just need to accept that you are not here no more ….that wont keep me from loving you more and more eavery day and thinking about you.
Grandma it is me again, like always, thinking about you and missing you just as much as ever. especially right now cuz i am here at the house by myself and me and you use to eat something together, or i’d help you with something or answer your questions (even though many of times you’d ask the same one over and over lol but it was fine. i know you know, everything i am thinking and feeling. i also know that you are aware that i go see your grave like every all the time. i wish i could stay with you all the time bc the hardest is not having you around. I lost you physically but I know you are with me in my heart bc i feel you in so deeply all the time. but still i wish you were here with us. we need you so much. te extranamos tanto que aveces ni se que lo que nos va pasar, aunque no podiams hacer mucho x estar en la cama, tu presencia era muy presente y te necesitamos. if only i could give all i have back to just have you again, i would. ni siquiera lo pesaria dos veces. te llevo cositas y regalitos adonde descansas ahora pero no es igual porque ya no me puedes decir "oh mira esta bonito o algo asi" I love you soooooooooooo much grandma. please keep us in your prayers bc no te lloramos con nomas un ojo sino con los dos, y los corazones de tu familia estan rotos. we miss you but you remain in our hearts and here with us . xoxo
Grandma, just thinking about you. thinking about what a great time you having where you at. i know you are happy and no more suffering. i wish people would see that and think about that. and stop fighting and wanting to hurt each other down here. everything you loved and some people dnt even care about that. i know you would just tell us to leave it alone and that all those things are just material but they mean so much to me b/c i know how hard you worked to have what you had in your house. i wish ppl would just leave your house alone and all your belongings. i think they dont even stop to think about you and the importance they had to you. but one thing i am sure of is how much i miss you and love you and think about you all the time. it still so hard, they say as time goes by it gets easier, i dont see that. i dream you alot.i wish thos dreams could be real, to be able to touch and hold your hand one more time. feel your arms around me, telling me that god was going to see us thru this as he always has. hearing your voice saing "mija pray" i really just feel a lil lost without you. sometimes i dont see things geting any better. your gone and everything went with you. for now ill just keep dreaming you and try hard to obey god’s law and hope he comes very very soon, so that way i see you again. i love you and happy mothers day, well sunday is mothers day but i wanna say it early.love you grandmaaaaaaaa muah@
Grandma, Happy Mother’s day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know you happy because you are spending this holiday with your mom. We miss you and wish you were here to celebrate with us. You know how we would have fun, proabably having a cook-out and me or toi would make a cake. strawberry cuz that is your favorite. You’d proabaly eat less once you knew we were having cvake. cuz that be what you usually do. and i bought you something. well i bought you a few things, that we are gonna take out to the cementary later on today. I hope and am almost sure you will ove them. well i better get some sleep so i can get up early and make a cake to take to church. you know we having a mother’s day celebration at church, so i know you will be there. cuz you be signing and rejoicing. I love you and miss you always. happy mother’s day grandma, love you too much and wish you were here. xoxoxox
Grandma, Just writing to say that I am thinking about you. and I hope you can help mom b/c she is having a hard time dealing with something that i am sure you are already aware of. and i’d wish she understand that toi and me are here to help her. grandma we really need you. wish you were here to phisically help us and give us your words of advice. and to talk to mom to make her feel better, like you would always do. we love and miss you. did you like the glass adornment that hrma Leonor sent you? i knew you would. love you and miss you. you always in my heart!!!
grandma, love you!!!!!!! viviras x siempre en mi corazon y recuerdos. viviras en mi en mi ayer, hoy y manana. no estas aqui fisicamente pero si lo estas en mi corazon y aun que no puedo oirte diciendome lo que dios quiere de mi, se porque todo lo que me ensenaste y el camino recto de dios que siempre nos incisite esta en mi y muy profundo y mi alma. y quiero deguir tus consejos y tmb el camino que tu caminaste. quiero que mi fe sea como la tuya para que dios tambien se acuerde de mi algun dia muy pronto. y asi estar donde estas tu en un lugar donde hay pay, no hay dolor, solo hay alabanza y paz y amor. pero aun asi mi abuelita chula te quisiera tner aqui xk fueron tantos los bellos momentos y te extrano tanto tanto tanto. te recuerdo mas cada vez que estoy en la iglesia y aveces me pongo a contemplar tu foto que tengo en mi biblia y me pregunto " por que" nunce nunca hubiera pensado grandma que tu te ibas a ir primero, you were everything we knew and our foundation and rock. i mean u had been here since the first day and now i know we feel lost without you. like toi says the thing i hate most is that i cant do anything for you no more like before, the only thing we can do now is go cut the grass ….and you cant even see that…not like before that we could help you with changing or combing your hair or baths or cooking you meals and coffee,,,,sneaking you coffee when ma would say not to give it to you, but you’d ask and we’d just let you drink it and then wash the cup so mom wouldnt even know. deep down grandma i know you are in a btter place ero soy humana y te quisiera tener aqui de nuevo. i love you so and miss you with all my heart.
went to go see you grandma, well the grave site any way….the plant is dying, i guess it is too hot. i sure do miss you. i started my second semester of nursing school and i cant wait to grad in dec 2011….i know you would have been proud of me. i just hope i can work and take the family out of this pozo we are in. aparece que nunca tenemos lo suficiente, pero se que confiando en dios se lo tendremos. its just hard to wait, you know what i mean. i sure do wish we had you here, then i could go tell ya ll the chismes and not just think it ….too much for my lil head lol…i know you more happy where u r tho and you are better off…but that still dont mean we dont miss or need you here. but for you it is better cuz now you walking and perfect and dont have to be in bed no more. but im sure you miss us too right? i know que si. even tho u cant feel none of that, but i knew you and your feelings toward me and the rest and i know without a doubt you’d rather be here too….love you grandma all my love and kisses for you xoxo
grandma im just here doing some homework and thought i drop you some lines. you know ive been dreaming you alot lately. today i took a nap earlier in the day and i dreamnt you again. i sure hope you happy where you at and dont even give this a second thought. cuz you really are in a btter place. pero quisiera que si se puediera que me tuvieras en tu oraciones para que dios me diera la fortaleza y animo pa seguir en su camino asi pa llegar endonde estas tu. it just has become so hard, sometimes i feel just like quiting but i kee you as my role model and you never gave up. i love you and miss you too much. ppl lie because it dont get better! 🙁
Grandma, sorry i havent signed on to write you. dont think for a second that it’s because i dont think about you no more, because you know that is not possible. just a lot of things been going on. I just wanted to write that i love you and miss you something grand. it hasnt gotten any easier. i know you probably want us to be happy and move on and not be thinking or be sad about you leaving but i just cant seem to accomplish that. especially because 12/11/2010 is just around the corner and it will be a year that we are missing you and dont have you. a year that time is advancing around us but our life froze the moment you departed from this earth. a year of when mom and our entire world feel apart and we don even know how to pick up the pieces and glue them together again. seems like nothing reallly makes me happy no more. funny thing is that it was your life that reached it’s end but feels like our life finishedd too. im sorry to feel this way, i think it may be wrong but still como se sana una herida. nothing no one says or does makes up for what we dont have no more, which is you. and nothing makes us feel better…………..may the Lord have mercery on our souls!
grandma happy birthday (hug and kiss smooock :* ) you’d be 89 today. woa! maybe we sould start counting backwards now lol. well if you that old ahora imaginate tu ermana, marta (maida) ….i love you and miss you so much. we gonna make a strawberry cake, just like you liked them, you remeber how we do it grandma lol…..olvidate de los diabetis…im making you something, very cute, but imma take it to you on saturday. today when everyone gets home we’ll take you the wreath i made you. i made it with all my love for you, but (me, toi, mom) we all pitched in for the it. and it came out beautifully, just for you!. i know you love it. not only cuz it pretty and just for you, but bc i you know that i worked hard on it. and you were always humbile, simple and loved anything we gave you, even hand made. those are the things i love and miss about you. but i’ll see ya soon. we gonna eat cake later with you! love you abuelita chula.