Roberto Sanchez Luna, 59, of Waco, tragically passed away Thursday, December 8, 2011. A Prayer Service will be 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, at Lake Shore Funeral Home Chapel, 5201 Steinbeck Bend in Waco. Funeral services will be 1 p.m. Thursday, December 15, 2011, at Centro Evangelistico Church in Waco, with Pastor Arturo Sabido officiating. Burial will follow at Chapel Hill Memorial Park. Thoughts and memories may be shared in the online Guest Book at www.LakeShoreFuneralHome.com.
Roberto migrated to the United States from Mexico in 1977 with his wife, Isabel and son, Eddie. After moving to Waco they had three daughters Liz, Sandy, and Shellie. He came to know Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior, whom he served, and led many others to. Roberto was a member of Centro Evangelistico Church for 30 years where he served as a deacon and also served as treasurer for the men’s department at his church. He was employed by Quality Core Company, Inc. He had 11 grandchildren whom he loved greatly. Roberto looked forward to spending time with his family and loved ones. His favorite hobby was reading the Bible, video-taping and recording sermons, and making coffee for everyone at church. He will be greatly missed but we know that he’s with Jesus in Paradise!
He was preceded in death by his father, Roberto Sanchez; and daughter, Lisbett Delia Sanchez.
He is survived by his wife, Maria Isabel Sanchez; son, Jose Edgar Sanchez and wife, Stacy; daughters, Sandy Montes Sanchez and husband, David, and Shellie Rivera Sanchez; 11 grandchildren, Leslie, Eric, Edgar, Garrison, Vanessa, Gabriella, Jade, Robert, Joseph, Lulu and Kayle; mother, Delia Sanchez Luna; brothers, Jorge, David, Luis and Arturo; and sisters, Irene, Reyna, Alma and Rosa.
Pallbearers will be Juan Martinez, Felipe Quetz, Juan Martinez, Abel Rodriguez, Antonio Diaz, Elias Torres, Venancio Zuniga and Enrique Moreno.
Special thanks go out to family, all the brothers and sisters from Centro Evangelistico and other local churches, friends, and Quality Core Co. Inc.

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May the Lord have his arms wrapped around you through this difficult time. I knew Hermano Sanchez through his evident joy at his church. Our prayers are with you all.
I am so sad for your loss. I know Roberto is dancing for the Lord. This is what I was remembering. The struggle he & shared about dancing for the Lord. Praise God everyone was set free. Thank You Roberto for joining me in dance. I will pray for the Sanchez family for supernatural strenght & comfort from the Lord. Your sister in Christ,
Delores Martinez
Tio, recuerdo que unos de tus deseos era de que nosotros regresaramos a la iglesia. Sabe que Tio Dios le contesto su peticion, y puedo decirle que estoy feliz. Ya que estas mas cerca a Dios, dile que pido por mi familia y que volvamos a ese primer amor. Lo quiero mucho. Y yo se que ud esta gozando en el cielo junto con Liz. I love you y este no es un adios, sino un asta pronto nos veremos. <3
With heartfelt condolences
from everyone at
Texas Home Health Hospice
Brindamos nuestras condolencias a la familia desde luvianos, Mexico, estamos con ustudes y Roberto siempre vivir
Hno. Roberto sanchez. Nos vemos al rato. Uste ya se esta gozando con Jesus en el cielo. Mis oraciones son que Nuestro Dios de Gloria fortalesca a su familia y le de consuelo.
P.S. Hasta luego!!
Para nosotros fue un placer el haber conocido a nuestro querido hermano… siempre ofriendo el cafesito y siempre un hombre servicial y amable..Gracias a Dios por prestarnos a alguien tan especial como el…Nuestras oraciones estan con toda la hermosa familia Sanchez
Se que el hno. Roberto no se fue del todo por que deja muchos recuerdos bellos en el corazon de todo aquel que le conocimos, y es mi oracion que Dios les de dia a dia a ustedes esa fortaleza y paz por su partida. Se les quiere.
Liliana Arias y Fam.
Me uno a su dolor y le pido a Dios que les de fortaleza.
Familia Sanchez sentimos el dolor por el que estan pasando y nos unimos a el. Se que en estos momentos tan dificiles Dios esta con ustedes dandoles paz. Mis oraciones para con ustedes.
We are so sorry for your loss. May God comfort you thru this difficult time. Our prayers are with you.
Me uno al dolor que embarga a los familiares, deseandoles la paz de Cristo en sus corazones.