Natalie Lyn Franklin Crane-Wiese, 37, of Mart, passed away Monday, September 9, 2013, surrounded by family and loved ones, after a courageous battle with cirrhosis of the liver. According to her wishes, a Celebration of Life and Memorial Service will be held at 3pm Saturday, September 28th, 2013, in "Charlie’s Pasture", near the ferry in Port Aransas. A sunrise sea shell hunt will follow at 8am, the morning of Sunday, September 29th, 2013, near the shoreline at beach marker 18. For assistance with directions, please reach out to Monica via call or text at (512)586-7187 or Trey at (512)225-4672.
Natalie was born May 31st, 1976 to Arvel E. Franklin Jr. and Glenda Sue Langley Franklin Buquor in Austin. She was a very loving, caring, and giving person with a lot of talent. Natalie was blessed with a singing voice that matched her dimples. She loved making people smile every chance she could. Natalie had such a caring heart that she often took care of others when she had little herself.
She was preceded in death by her father.
She is survived by her husband, Mark Wiese of Mart; daughter, Clarissa Crane; son, Jacob Crane; step-son, Zachary Wiese; mother, Glenda Buquor; sister, Monica DeLaCruz; twin brother, Trey Franklin and wife Shannon; grandmother Frances Pilgrim; grandparents, Boyce and Marelle Langley; many aunts, uncles, nieces, and nephews; as well as multiple cousins and dear friends.
The family would like to express their sincere gratitude to everyone who has expressed kind words, offered prayer, and kept us in your thoughts during this difficult time. Natalie has definitely gone too soon.

I am so going to miss talking to you almost everyday…I only got to be your aunt for 25 years…but it was the best 25 years of my life…whenever I hear someone laugh out loud…I think of you…you loved sharing your infectious laugh…I love you Natalie!!!!
Natalie and I were friends in our teenage years… Very sweet person!! My thoughts and prayers are with the family <3
I miss you cuz I know your in a better place now. We love you
We are so very sorry for your loss. She was a beautiful girl from the time she was born. Little Miss Dimples. I pray Jesus is embracing her with His loving arms. We continue to pray for the comfort to the family as well. We Love ya’ll.
She was the best mom anyone could ask for. Yeah we had our ups and downs but I wouldn’t change anything even if I could. I love you mom and rest in paradise beautiful.
To the family of Natalie, I’m so sorry for what y’all have endured during this difficult time. I believe Natalie made her Preparations to be with Her Hevenly Father back when she knew she didn’t have much time to fix things. I Did not know Natalie personally but her Mom was like a Sister to me when were growing up but lost touch through the Years of us having Children but got acquainted again through Social Network . Natalie and I communicated through FB and I would tell her to hang in there but most of all to let her know her family and myself cared and was Praying for her:) Love to All and my Best Friend Sue, Brother, Sister, Grandma and all family,:)
wow,so many things i wonna say ,i got to be your frind for a short time and im so thankful god gave me that ,you was an amazing person ,you touched our lives and ill never forget you ,we will see you again when the lord calls us home ,rip my friend we love and miss you dearly
You left us way too soon, Nat.
For the family, I’m very sorry for your loss. You will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.
The joy and happiness you brought to our relationship can never be replaced, the smile you put on the faces of the people you came across are immearsurable. I will miss you but you will always be with me. Love you Nattie Bug.
To one of a kind, God broke the mold when he made you. I love you and always will. till we meet again. You always where my sister and always will be. I miss you Natalie…xoxoxooxoxoxox mwah
May you find comfort and peace during this
difficult time.
Rest in Peace in the Arms of the Lord.
You will be missed by many Nat, I only wish I would have gotten to see you, it has been so many years, maybe it some strange way, it was a good thing. In my minds eye, I still see you as that little chief cheerleader, kneeing me in my back in that pyramid photo. Forever young is what you’ll always be when I think of you, with that beautiful happy smile and so full of laughter and joy. God bless you Nat, love you-miss you… Jess
Dearest Wawa…. I keep trying to come to terms that you are gone. My heart breaks for your children and family. You were truly one of the most loving, giving, loyal, and hysterically funny people I have ever known. If only more people took time to see the you inside. I pray you have finally found the peace that you never could in this life. We will meet again and laugh…till then save my place!
Through life many lessons are learned, but Nat taught me to never give up on myself, in high school she made my make her that promise and I’ve always kept to it. Forever in my heart, friends we will always be … until we meet again … Love you now and always.
I love this poem, it reminds me of the celebration that must be going on "on the other side"
Gone From My Sight
by Henry Van Dyke
I am standing upon the seashore. A ship, at my side, spreads her white sails to the moving breeze and starts for the blue ocean. She is an object of beauty and strength. I stand and watch her until, at length, she hangs like a speck of white cloud just where the sea and the sky come to mingle with each other. Then, someone at my side says, There, she is gone"
Gone where?
Gone from my sight. That is all. She is just as large in mast, and hull and spar as she was when she left my side. And, she is just as able to bear her load of living freight to her destined port.
Her diminished size is in me–not in her. And, just at the moment when someone says, "There, she is gone," there are other eyes watching her coming and other voices ready to take up the glad shout, "Here she comes!"
May you keep the heavens enlightened with your wonderful self and know that we all have been blessed to have had you in our lives. May you always look down on us because we will always be looking up to you.
Still missing you like crazy. Can’t believe you are gone. I just pretend you are on a trip far away which you are. You just arrived sooner than the rest of us. I think of you often and even talk to you. I have done special things to celebrate your life and to keep you near me. Love you seester!
Always Remember
by Jessica O’Reilly
As she blossomed into a rose
We got to see her best and worst side,
We loved her to death
But then she died.
She was loved by many
And hated by some,
She may have been different
But God wanted her to come.
A beautiful voice
That reflected her smile,
We will always remember
That she was worth while.
As I sit here and write this
Tears stream down my face,
I miss my sister and
That feeling can not be replaced. – Seester, I am so sad and mad at the same time. I know you told me I had to accept your choices but I never wanted to. Selfishly, I wanted you to stay with me. Unselfishly, I wanted you to be delivered from your hell on earth. I will keep you in my mind and in my heart forever. When I try to fall asleep I see your last breath. There is so much more I could say but I will keep that between you and I. I do hope you are smiling and happy to see Dad, Grandpa, and our other loved ones up there. I hope you behave up there. We did a lot of praying to make sure you got in. ; ) I can’t wait to see you and hear your voice again. Hopefully, I will see you in a good dream soon. We are making sure your wishes are carried out. Love you, see you when the time is right. Love Always, your seester, MoMo
Im so sorry for your loss she was a great Lady. Sorry I cant be their with you guys . I would have liked to go but cant make it. lol pam
My thoughts and prayers are with you all! Natalie may have had her challenges, but she was always a fighter until the very end! We’ll miss your smile, your beautiful singing voice and your crazy FB statuses, you always gave us something to talk about! <3 you all!!!
Although Nat had challenges in her life, she was a strong mama!!! I can’t believe that she’s gone so soon! You will be missed! I will specially miss your long discussions on FB!!! My condolences to one of my BFF’s Monica, Trey, Momma Sue, Jacob, Clarissa, Grandma and Mark! RIP Nat, I’m sure that you’re now singing to the angels!!!
You will be missed. Prayers out to the family for peace and comfort.
My Baby Girl…Ilove you so much and I needed you still. I know you had to leave me. You were tired. But, I still can’t let go of you, and I probably never will. For so many years, you were my shadow. It broke my heart when you moved away, but I knew you were growing up and growing away. I wished I could have fixed what was wrong, but this was one thing I could not do for you. I felt helpless as a mom. I miss you. I have to say rest in the arms of Jesus, when I want to hold you. But, you are in the peaceful garden where there is no sickness no pain. I know that is the best place for you. You have lived your life of hell on earth. Rest in peace, my beacon, my joy. Look for me at Heaven’s gate. I love you my squaw baby, my Natlie damnit Lyn, my Nalyn. Mommie loves you!
My darling baby girl, we set you free in the manner you wanted. It was a beautiful send off. I wanted to jump in and get you back. But, the dolphins came, just like you wanted. Swim with them, baby, you are at peace. I am glad of that, I just wanted you back. I wanted the Natalie that laughed and smiled and sang with such a remarkable voice. I wanted my child back. Back to the whole, healed, happy, loving child of mine that was a handful and a joy all at the same time. I will always carry you in my mind and in my heart. When you left, a part of me went with you. I still cannot believe you are gone. This has been the hardest thing in my lifetime to deal with. Reading your posts has helped some where you said you saw a glimpse of what was to come. And it was beautiful. Enjoy the flowers, enjoy the peace, swim with the dolphins with all my love right with you. I will always love you.
Forever and eternity,
Your loving Mama
Natalie please come back…I need you…I love you…..What can I do to get my baby back???
Natalie please come back…I need you…I love you…..What can I do to get my baby back???
My heart has ached for Natalie…my heart aches for Sue, Trey, Nat’s kids, family, husband, and friends. I’ve kept you all in my prayers. May God give you all strength that only He can give in such times as these. I haven’t seen her in about 16 years, but she always stands out in my mind because of her incredible natural musical talent, playing on her key board sitting Indian style on the couch as day after day we came over to hang out at Trey’s place in Cedar Creek in 1995. She always was smiling, easy and fun to talk to, and laughing. I never saw her not being happy go lucky in those days and forever she will live on in my memory as a bright person in a dark world. She was a nice person. May God hold you all. – My deepest Sympathies- Wendy Christian
I am truly saddened that your family has endured the loss of a beloved daughter, sister, mother and friend. I know all too well of the pain in your hearts. I found this poem when I lost my brother and read it often:
Life Beyond
Written By: Sue Walkinshaw
I feel the warmth upon my face as I enter the land of God’s good grace,
Friends and loved ones gone before, waiting here beyond the door.
With open arms they welcome me, amazement in my eyes they see.
They look so well and at their best, beauty beholds them now they rest.
I walk across the grass so green, the greenest grass I’ve ever seen,
I jump and skip and bounce on air, it’s almost like there’s nothing there.
A sky of blue, not a cloud in sight, perpetual day no darkest night.
Every flower is in full bloom, undefined colours of every hue.
The streams and rivers crystal clear, no rubbish or decay found here.
The sea is calm and turquoise blue, I long to test it, wouldn’t you?
The softest sand beneath my feet, at the waters edge where they both meet.
The warmest waters gently flow, bathing me from head to toe.
A city built of alabaster walls, where translucent light eliminates the halls.
Theatres of music and concerts too, magnificent galleries for all to view.
Amazing sights for me to see, I just wander in, there’s no entrance fee.
Libraries stacked with books galore, history, science and many more.
The celestial sun does forever shine, it’s a perfect temperature all the time.
Orchards here overflow with fruit, a taste in itself that is quite exquisite.
I’m told it will help my soul to restore, pick what I like, there is plenty more.
This ethereal plain is a pure delight, it’s my new home, my God given right.
There is nothing here to cause me fear, the lord protects within his sphere.
An infinity of perfect peace, from the toils of earth I am now released.
I have landed on a higher realm, in perfect harmony to forever dwell.
So believe when I tell you my dear friends, you cannot die, life never ends.