Miguel Angel Paris Picon was born 1 June 1952 in Santurce, Puerto Rico to Do

Miguel Angel Paris Picon was born 1 June 1952 in Santurce, Puerto Rico to Do
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Amada familia: les acompanam
en este momento de tan irreparable perdida.Ustedes no nos conocen,pues conncimos a Miguel y a Velma en Kileen Tx antes de que tuvieran su primera nina,al mudarnos perdimos contacto y hasta hoy 10/17/12 hemos vuelto a saber de ellos en esta manera tan triste.Fueron un matrimonio muy especial,los aprendimos a querer y pasamos tiempos muy alegres con ellos. aunque estabamos en el ejercito nos las arreglamos para jugar pelota semi pro en lampasas Tx. de lo cual aun conservo algunas fotos.
Esperamos que la paz del Senor les conforte a todos ustedes y hoy le decimos adios a dos de las personas mas especiales que hemos conocido y aligual que ustedes hoy lloramos sus partidas, Adios amigos del alma
Ari y Sonia Mangual
que dios te cuide siempre mi querido hermanito, siempre te recordare
Miguel Angel, I want you to know that we love you even more now that you are gone. Not a day goes by without remembering your sweet voice and your beautiful smile. I know, life goes on but just tell me how to breath again without you…I will always love you. God, how I love you negro bello! If tears could build a stairway, I would be right next to you. I find comfort in knowing you are sleeping my love. I love you more
Amor, Va a hacer un a
Latrisha Gladney, Thank you for your beautiful words. Miguel meant so much to me. Your posting provides comfort to me because I know he was a good man. I miss him so.
Thank you so much La Reina!
Latrisha Gladney, Thank you for your beautiful words. Miguel meant so much to me. Your posting provides comfort to me because I know he was a good man. I miss him so.
Miguel Angel it is going to be the second anniversary of your departure. I miss you so much. If tears could bring you back..I love you so much. It hurts to think I will not be able to rest on your chest. You were so good to me and the babies. I stay in touch with Ling, Nicolita, your mom and dad. You were my first love..I look forward to us growing old together. You were my best friend, my movie star, my inspiration. I wish you were here with me. Thank you for all the years we spent together. I did not know you were so sick, I would have taken care of you my love. Papi you live in my heart forever. Hasta siempre mi negro bello. When in Puerto Rico I visit the places that silently hold our memories and I cry, I wish you were there with me. I see you in all the children you left behind. I love you Miguel Angel. Hasta siempre…..Please anyone with pictures, contact me.
Te fuiste y sabes que te llevaste parte de mi. Gracias por las memorias, los recuerdos y darme lo mejor de ti. Gracias por todos los retratos de tu cari
Mr. Miguel, I have so many memories of you.. You werent my father, but you were a father figure to me. You will truly be missed and loved. You will always be in my heart. Love you.
SGT Parispicon was my first NCO when I arrived in Giessen Germany in 1992; all of young medics in 2/32 FA looked up to him for his candor and experience. We had a lot of laughs and knew when he was serious it meant business. I was looking for him to thank him and sadly, found him here. RIP SGT Parispicon…
Que descanses en paz se que disfrutastes tu vida al maximo y me hubiese gustado pasar tiempo juntos. Pero se que donde estas ed mucho mejor que aqui esto no es un adios sino hasts luego love yoy dad
There are many events in our lives that leads us in many different directions. Sometimes we don’t get what we want, because God has other plans. I think you for bringing my sisters and I closer as well as others whom loved you unconditionally.
To the family, I am so sorry to hear about Miguel. I am truly truly sadden by this and I wish I had the right words to say, but know that I cared and Loved Miguel.
Love you Miguel
I thank God for the opportunity to spend time with you. What a wonderful man you were. I will probably name my first son after you. Thank you for your advise and unconditional love. Thank you for the hugs and long conversations about life. I will miss you. I can still hear you say: "Hi son I dad is here. Are you behaving?".