Mary Prowell Stafford, 76, of Waco, passed away Saturday, March 10, 2012. Funeral services will be 1PM Wednesday, March 14th at Lake Shore Funeral Home Chapel. Burial will follow at Oakwood Cemetery. Visitation will be 6 to 8PM Tuesday, March13th at Lake Shore Funeral Home, 5201 Steinbeck Bend in Waco. Thoughts and memories may be shared in the online Guest Book at www.LakeShoreFuneralHome.com.
Survivors include daughters, Susan Abbott and husband Paul, Sandy Juntunen and husband Duane, Mitzi McGaugh and husband Doug, Twila Saulter and husband Charlie, and Sharon Curry and husband Ronnie; sons, Dale Prowell and wife Tina, Joe Prowell, and Andrew Prowell and wife Deborah; 16 grandchildren; 19 great grandchildren; sister, Shirley Smith; and brother, Wayne Cagle.
A mother who is born to be a mother,
She raised 8 children and 16 grandchildren,
She was able to accomplish more
Than most moms could,
She always knew when to hold
Our hands and when to let go,
For if it not had been for her
Where we would we be,
Her heart was large enough to hold
Everyone’s pain and joy,
How could we ever thank her for showing us, the true way to Glory,
She lived a life that most would shun,
But through her example of love and mercy,
She taught us a life that we could overcome,
Today mama, we’re ever so grateful
For your steadfast love, that has continued to bless our lives,
To a mother who stood even when she wasnt able to stand,
Even in times we didn’t understand
This is the final victory…

I’m sorry for the loss of your mother. I know Mary was a caring & loving person, and you will all miss her very much. I pray she is now pain-free and in the presence of our Lord. My condolences & sympathy to each of you~
I am sad at my aunt Beth’s passing and will miss her terribly. I loved her very much. May God lay his hands on all of you and give you peace. You know that she is in a better place.
I am sorry about my aunt Beth’s passing and sorry that I can
not be at the funeral. I loved her and will miss her terribly. May God lay his hands on all of you and give you peace.
I was lucky to have met you and was glad to have shed a little light in your day. I wish it could have been under better circumstances, but appreciate the opportunity to help care for you. You have been in my thoughts since the first time I met you and I know you are in a much better place. My thoughts and prayers are with your family and I know you will be missed.
I purchased a card but with such a large family I was not sure who to send it to. This is probably the best way of communication but I am not much for computers. I want to express my sympathy to all of you. Mary was a difficult patient yet she and I always seemed to get along. She always sung my praises and made me feel good. I wish there was more I could have done but sometimes you cant. I finally met Andy at the funeral home, so now I think I have met you all. I enjoyed seeing the video of her when she was younger. As a nurse you only know someone when they are sick and it is always nice to see them in their happier days.I wish all of you well-live your lives as your mom would have wanted. It was a pleasure caring for her.
My Dear Sweet Friend, You were one in a million. God only knows the pain you were in while you were here with us on earth, but now sweetie, you have no pain, no sorrow, and no regrets. I only hope to see you again one day and I want you to know I loved you very much. One of the best friends anyone could ever have. You will be missed my dear friend, and not just by me but by everyone of your children as well as your grandsugers. We will miss you so much. Rest in peace my sweet one and until I see you again waiting for me at the Pearly Gates to greet me, May God Bless and keep you forever.I will always think about you on our Birthdays, as they are only a day apart. I will tell you HAPPY BIRTHDAY in Heaven and I Love You Dearly! Love Sandie Paris
I am grateful yo have known such an amazing woman. Were it not for her, I would not have met my sister Twila. Even though she didn’t birth me, I had the priviledge of calling her mom. I take comfort in the words spoken by my big brother who said, "Let not your hearts be troubled…I go to prepare a place for you. And…I will come again to receive you to myself." Heaven is a prepared place for prepared people. Take comfort in knowing she was prepared. I love you all. God bless you.
Andrew im sorry. Its very belated. Jus found out tonite. Please accept my condonlences. Mary was a very special woman. She hid us from a madman one time. Always will love her for that.