Levon L. Ray, husband, father, war veteran, research scientist, and friend of many went to his heavenly home on Tuesday, January 7th. Services will be 10 AM Saturday, January 11th at Poolville United Methodist Church with Rev Dave Goodrich and his grandson, Rev Chris Cobb, officiating. Burial will follow at Poolville Cemetery.
Levon was born on September 16, 1918 in Poolville to John Thomas Ray and Emma (Mader) Ray. He married Marjorie Ruth Freiley on August 6, 1943 in Springtown, Texas. They lived most of their married life in Lubbock. Levon graduated from Poolville High School, Weatherford College, and received a BS and MS in Agriculture from Texas Tech University and his PhD in 1957 from Texas A&M University.
In 1941 he was commissioned as an Aviation Cadet, completed his training, and then served as a B-17 navigator from 1941 through 1943 flying 50 combat missions with the 97th Bomber Group, 8th Air Force, in both the European and North African Theaters. He was the navigator in the B-17 Fortress that led the first American heavy bomber mission into Europe. Levon was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross with an Oak Leaf Cluster and the Air Medal on several occasions. After the war, he joined the Air Force Reserves, retiring as a Lt. Colonel.
During his 37 year career as a research agronomist, Dr. Ray pioneered several cotton varieties adapted to the Texas High Plains. Dr. Ray received numerous agricultural awards and other recognitions including Outstanding Agriculturist (1974) and Distinguished Alumni (1986) from Texas Tech University, Weatherford College Distinguished Alumni (1995), Progressive Farmer

I am so sorry to read of your loss. By means of the resurrection, Jehovah has opened up the priceless opportunity for untold multitudes of people who have died, to come back from the dead and enjoy eternal life here on earth. Psalms 37:29.
I am so sorry to read of the loss, your family is in my prayers. The Bible promises that one day death will be no more and it says the righteous will possess the earth. Revelation 21:3,4. Psalm 37: 29. I hope knowing this may bring you some comfort.
Tom and Mickey,
Levon was a gentleman of the first order, an example for us all. I am very glad to have met and worked with him. Please accept my condolences for your loss.
To family and friends of Levon L. Ray, I extend heartfelt condolences to all. Death is an enemy that has touched each of us at some time in our lives. This was never Almighty God’s purpose, but soon he will put an end to all grief and suffering. Please read Revelation 21:4. And John 5:28&29 where Jesus Christ said: "He will call and all those asleep in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out." For more encouraging information please visit http://www.jw.org
Dear Mickey and Tom Ray,
Although you do not know me, I find it important to write you a note at this time in your lives.
I was appointed choir director of Asbury UMC here in Lubbock back in January, 1996, and held the position until retirement in December 2007. Dave Treat was pastor at the time and also offered me his services singing bass in the choir. With help and support from the congregation, I was able to add scholarship students and grow the choir to some 30 persons. Levon, I am sure, was instrumental in his and your mother’s help to promote the music program at Asbury. They were tremendously complimentary of the people in the choir and the music which we performed for the Lord.
When your folks moved from Lubbock, it, of course, left a large void in the church. I recall hugging your dad upon his return for a visit one Sunday. He was always a thrill to have nearby.
I was a music professor in voice and opera at TTU from ’73-’04. I can tell you both and your families that it was super to know both of your parents. Thank you for listening.
Most sincerely,
William "Bill" Hartwell