Jesse Dale Williams, 54, of Waco, went to be with Jesus Tuesday, March 10th at his residence. Funeral services will be 3PM Monday, March 16th at Lake Shore Funeral Home Chapel with Pastor Jimmy Dorrell officiating. A balloon release memorial will follow and then burial at Little Tehuacana Cemetery. There is no visitation. Thoughts and memories may be shared in the online Guest Book at www.LakeShoreFuneralHome.com.
Survivors include wife, Kristi Kae Williams; children, Jessica Williams, Jeremy Williams, Daniella Courtney Williams, and Christopher Williams; sister, Elaine Thomas and husband, James; aunts, Idissie Brandon, Mavis Gowan, and Clara Mode; devoted friends, Julianna Williams, mother of Jessica & Jeremy Williams, Terry and Tina Niswanger; nieces, (Tracy) & Troy Miles, (Yolunda) & Christopher Elam, (Valerie) & Antonio Johnson, Tanya Wallace, Lucretia Williams, Nephews, Clifford Ware Williams, Aaron Williams, Adam Wallace.
In lieu of flowers, donations are suggested to True Light Jesus Ministry, P.O. Box 558, China Spring, TX 76633.

Jesse… You will be missed my friend. Every time I sing your song, "Hear My Prayer Lord", I will think of you, and how you are now sitting next to the throne of our God. I will celebrate your ife, and all the wonderful memories that I will forever have of you and your music. "I know You can lift me above the clouds right now, in the twinkle of an eye". Peace Brother…
Our thoughts and prayers are with the family at this time in their life.
I met Dale over 20 years ago through his warm loving wonderful big sister Elaine who was like a sister to me. He always brought a smile to my face and always had a kind word to say. His very presence just made your day. Elaine, you have my deepest sympathy. I know how much you loved your brother and how much he loved you. I know how proud you were of Dale as he married you, his big sister, to your husband, James almost 30 years ago. There was so much pride in your voice when you spoke of that joyous occassion that he presided over. To his wife and children, brother-in-law James, and other family members, my thoughts and prayers are with you. Rev. 21:4 promises a time when death will be no more. What a wonderful time that will be, we won’t have to worry about losing our loved ones to this enemy, death. Please accept my deepest sympathy, as well as that of my entire family. Elaine, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your entire family. May God comfort you and your entire family during this time of bereavement.
God Bless you Jesse. See you in Heaven.
Everytime I saw Jesse he always seemed happy. I’m sure he is with Jesus now where there is no pain and no illness. My heart goes out to all of his family and friends. Jesse will always be remembered with a smile on his face.
If there was a man who could describe strong in the dictionary it was you but I know you re happy with grandma grandpa aunt nancy and daddy lewis I miss all of you and i know you miss me to i want you to know your dream will leave on and when you get to HEAVEN! SAVE A SEAT FOR ME
It was a pleasure to get to know Jesse and I enjoyed time visiting with he and his family. I know he is with Jesus now. He was a man who would always give testimony of his love for the Lord. My condolences go out to Kristi, Jesse’s children, family and friends. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.
Jesse made my days a little brighter when he came to visit me. He will be missed by many for the same reason.
When you asked if you could you sing with me,few years back, I never knew until someone else told me, that I would have been asking you, if I had only known what you could do.
Never one to shout about your accomplishments, you now can shout, play instruments, and sing with the angels. Jesse,you were a light in the darkness for all of us who are imperfect and yet unfinished. The mark of a righteous man is that when he falls, he gets back up. You got back up, even if only to your knees, you knew the direction was up.
Thanks for the unconditional acceptance and hugs.
2 Timothy 4:7 (New International Version)
**I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.**
Jesse we love you and you will be greatly missed. We are so blessed to have known you , you touched our lives in a very special way. Love Paul and Kimberly Barron
well baby i love you very much and always will no matter. i am glad you are with jesus not suffering the way you was. i will tell our babies that you wanted to be there for them. how much you loved them and proud of them. i hope you knew me and the kids loved you wit all our hearts and souls.
Jessie was a brother in the Lord. Back in the 70’s my sister in law and I heard him preaching and playing the guitar at a tent ministry. We went home and told my brothers. From there a fellowship in the Lord grew. He had a love for the Lord that inspired me. The last time I saw him,I think in February of this year, my brother Barry and I went to visit him at his home and we talked about the Lord and heaven and he said he was preparing and waiting to go. I want to thank his wife for her sweet spirit. He also talked about his kids. He was proud of you all. Bro Jess you are home now. My prayer are with the family. In Christ’s love
I never met Jesse, but I have been praying for you, his family. I know that you mean the world to Tina. That’s good enough for me. I know that it is hard to loose one you love so much, but remember, he is with the Lord now, and I’ll just bet that he’s standing at the balcony cheering you on. "Press deeper into Jesus, finish your race, and come be with me in the Lord for all eternity when you’re through down there." You are in my prayers. God bless you.
My prayers and thoughts are with you and the kids I love you and let me know if there is anything I can do in the time of need for you I love you.
To the family of Jesse,
Let not your hearts be troubled…trust in The Lord and He will see you through. May God Bless you in a time like this. I didn’t know Jesse, but I know that God loved him best.
Mattie Lovelace & family
It takes a real man to learn to survive–and thrive–in this deal called life. It takes someone who doesn’t just talk–but really knows God–to die with dignity. Jesse dealt with life and death as a Godly man. He will be missed by many.
Goodbyes are difficult for me Jesse,so I’ll just say so long.When we meet again,we’ll be singing at the feet of the King.Rest well,Brother.
I didn’t know you Jesse but you have a wonderful friend in Tina Shafer who encouraged us to pray for you daily.
Blessings to the family and friends!
Jesse was a wonderful man who ALWAYS had a smile on his face, I know he is smiling down at all of us as he gets to walk with our prince, Jesus Christ. Though he will be greatly missed, we can all find peace in knowing that we will be with him agian.
I had the pleasure of meeting Jesse during Friday Morning Breakfast at my church and I loved to hear him play the piano. He volunteered to help us find other homeless individuals that year during our annual point and time count for the Homeless Coalition. He took us to places that I didn’t even know existed. I didn’t know him as well as many of you but his love for the Lord and his fellow man was so evident as we drove around the City that night. That night we found folks we had never seen before and were able to reach out to them thanks to Jesse. That year I met Tina and Kim and Pastor Booker…its funny how Jesus will put people in your path, people who connect you to others looking towards a Kingdom…a Kingdom that March 10th added one more crown to its glory. To Jesse’s family, please accept my deepest sympathies and prayers.
Jesse is a wonderful person who always had a smile and a hug for me. I know he will leave a legacy through his children and his music
What an experience it was to know Jesse. He was one of the strongest men I have ever known. God place this man in our lives on Christmas Eve, 2006 while our church was serving the homeless Christmas dinner. It was cold and rainy. Jesse was singing under the tent where the folks were eating. I didn’t know that this man singing would eventually become one of the best friends I have ever had. Although homeless at the time, he was confident, strong, and his love for Jesus was obvious. I know that God placed him in our lives for a reason and a season. Jess came to live with our family and we started Living Vine Music. We accomplished putting together a studio, we served the homeless through church and Mission Waco, we would pray about the things that God wanted from us in ministry. Jesse taught me so much about the lead of the Holy Spirit and the peace that follows. He showed me how to be strong while loving. I was sick during this time, so God placed him in my life to assist me in what I was doing. And through that very tough time in my life, he was there for me. Through the grace of God and prayer, came True Light Jesus Ministry and Jesse was just diagnosed with cancer. What a blow to all of us who loved him. He stayed strong throughout the whole 3 plus months and never complained. That strength was a testimony of faith to all of us who were around him. He loved his family with all of his heart. I thank God today for this extended family through knowing him. Jesse, I miss you and love you. I will keep the promise I made to you about Kristi and the babies and your music will go on my friend. It is a testimony of your life here on this earth. You have been "Running for Jesus" all along, and now you are with Him. I can’t imagine the things that are revealed to you now, but I do know that the moment of your last breath, Jesus welcomed you in His mighty arms. So I praise His name, and will continue in the work that God gave us to do my friend. I love you and miss you so much. I will NEVER forget you. Much love Jess, your friend and sister in Christ, "T"
In regards to the loss of my Uncle, I would like to extend a special thanks to each and every person that has expressed their condolences. Uncle Dale was and always will be close to our heart and his memories will last forever. May each of you continue to gracefully appreciate the blessings that have bestowed upon you and your family.