Jerry Kilgo, 69, of Waco passed away, Sunday, September 30, 2012. Private family memorial services will be scheduled. Thoughts and memories may be shared in the online Guest Book at www.LakeShoreFuneralHome.com.
Jerry was born November 1, 1942 in Hico to Alto and Suvilla (Bullard) Kilgo.
He was preceded in death by his parents.
Survivors include sons, Riley Kilgo and wife Amy of Waco, and James Kilgo and wife Janet of Austin; granddaughter, Caleigh Kilgo of Austin; grandson, Colt Kilgo of Waco; sister, Linda Smith of Brownwood; nephew, Teri Smith of Houston; niece, Becky Thompson of Brownwood; and mother of his sons and friend, Tonda James of Waco.
The family would like to offer a special thanks to Odyssey Health Care.
In lieu of flowers, please send memorials to Gholson Volunteer Fire Department.

May Mr. Kilgo rest in peace.
What a shame that he died not knowing he had a grandson .
A sweet 8yr- old boy named Ryan Lee Kilgo borned in 03/02/2005 son of James Lee Kilgo.
Ryan is growing in the shadows knowing that he has 2step sisters but his father badly acknowledge his existance. The only thing Ryan gets from his father is his monthly obligation of child support.
Until march of 2007 he would visit his son, play with him, changed his diapers. All Ryan has left are pictures of his dad.
I found this site by accident. My son doesn’t know nobody in this family.
Jim saw ryan just this past Sunday at HEB passed by us on the aisle with his wife and daughter in the shopping cart and never said hi to his own son. Ironically it was the day after Ryan’s birthday. Also because he had just check out from the hospital again.
My son was in tears by the time we got back in car. Knowing that his father doesn’t call, doesn’t visit not even for holidays or birthdays is heart breaking.
It makes me sick to see Janet being praised of being a such great wife knowing that her husband doesn’t visit his son. What a shame.
Ryan may miss a real dad in his life but a man like Jim he certainly doesn’t need in his life.
Rest assure Ryan is being well taken care off, loved by many people.
There are plenty of kids in the world without their fathers. Ryan is not the first or the last one in this situation.
I am very sorry for your loss. Too bad there is nothing I could tell Ryan about Mr. Jerry. Maybe now that he rest in peace he may know and watch over Ryan too.
God Blessed Jerry has he spoke to me and indicated he knew the Lord Jesus. May you all be blessed with that understanding of where he is now.
Riley & Amy, Don & I are so sorry for your loss. You and your family will be in our thoughts & prayers.
A neighbor in my youth that will be missed. We loved to hunt and fish. Our sympathy goes to all of his loved ones.
Riley and family,
Sorry to hear about your Dad. Just remember he is in a much better place,not hurting anymore and able to do all those things he loved to do that he could no longer do on earth. Although we are sad when we loose a loved one, we have to rejoice knowing that they are with God and in his glorious place called heaven. We will all see Jerry again one day and until then he is your guardian angel looking down on you.
We are so sorry for your loss. I have great memories of the good old days when ya’ll were in school with Donna and Sherry. My love and prayers are with you.
This message is for James and Riley and thier families, also for mine and james daughter Amanda and our Grandson Draven. My prayers are with you ..praying for you all ..James and Riley if you need to talk i’m here.. Janet thanks for being a great wife to James ..God bless yals Family wish yal all the strength..God bless and keep yal safe in yals time of need
Uncle Jerry,
I just wanted you to know that I love you and will miss you dearly..
Jerry was a very kind person. My family and I enjoyed getting to know him and looked forward to seeing him come down the street on his golf cart. He was always there with advice or a helping hand. We will miss him and will be praying that God will be with you, his family, and give you peace and comfort.
bless the kilgo family