David Allen Dougherty, 58, of Waco, passed away Tuesday, November 6th at his residence. Private Family services are planned. Thoughts and memories may be shared in the online Guest Book at www.LakeShoreFuneralHome.com.
David was born November 12, 1953 in Council Bluffs, Iowa to Lowell and Jacqueline (Rolison) Dougherty.
He was preceded in death by his father and twin brother’s Jackie and Johnny.
Survivors include wife, Deidre Fisher; daughters, Sara Chitty and husband Aaron, Michelle Grady and husband Rodrick, Amber Grady, and Brandi Dougherty; sons, Paul Dougherty, Matthew Dougherty and wife Amanda, Michael Grady and wife Jerrilynn, Christopher Grady and Melissa, James Dougherty, and Jerimiah Dougherty;12 grandsons; 8 granddaughters; mother, Jacqueline Dougherty; and brother, Danny Dougherty.

I love you nd will miss you…….And thank you for every thing you have did for me nd my kids the time you whr with us…..
Youre truely missed .. Its weird w/ you not being here @ home w/ us. I cant go on w/ out you ! I need you back ; PLEASE come back 3 I Lovee & Miss Youu Dadddy <3 ... Your now my handsome prince charming looking over me ' I wish you could come back home 🙁
If tears could build a stairway & memories could build a lane, i’d walk up to Heaven & bring you home again <3 .. I'll NEVER forget you, youre planted in my heart FOREVER .. You've been the BEST father anyone could ever have ' I Loveee Youuuuu <3
You are truely missed & loved by many .. You’ve tought me wrong to right <3 ' you can NEVER be replaced ! I Lovee Youuu (:
PLEASE COME HOME !!!! I miss you <3 <3 <3 <3 ' ugh !!!!
Thanks you, David, for sharing the last 25 years with my sister. You will always be watching out for her and ALL the kids and grandkids. Our thoughts and prayers are with every one of them.
Gone to soon. Was a great son-in-law, We will miss you.
May you rest in peace David and soar high with the Angels. May your family feel the comfort and love from our Lord during their time of sorrow. I love you all and many prayers are being sent your way. God Bless!
I MISS MY PAWPAW!!! I can’t blackout the picture of you.. You are a wonderful person, & anybody is lucky to have you in their life. Your very special to me, & you always put a smile on my face. I love you ♥
I remember David as a real fun guy in high school. We recently connected on Facebook a few years ago. I always enjoyed is Holiday graphic pictures, Prayers for all of the family. He will always be remembered.
David ~ I remember you as a very good guy way back when and I can tell you’ve been a great person through the years, and that your good has been multiplied many many times through your family and friends. God bless you.
i only had the chance to know you very few years but i will miss you and i know that you are in a better place and you are feeling much better now and will see ya again some day!!!
Gone but never forgotten
R.I.P. David
Thoughts and prayers for the whole family.
david, 25 years was a long time there was supposed to be so many more.you were my love and my life i don’t know how to go on without you next to me. i know you are in a much better place but it was to soon.rest in peace my love!
Pawpaw David, I know that I havent been able to see you in almost my whole life, but I know you now through hearing so many great things about you! I also know that you will be missed always throughout our family. I love you Pawpaw David!!!!
You will be missed………….
You will be loved an missed so very much.
Great neighbor, and an even better friend, was there to always help me fix my computer or helped in advice when it came to my own kids. You will be truely missed, We will see you when when get there.
i will miss and love you a lot and i will remember you as teling me to close the back door and stop bloking my air i will miss you & love you you will never be forgoten about
Pawpaw we will always love you and the world will never be the same with out you. I wil never forget you and I will always love you.
David, you will be greatly missed. It is great comfort knowing you are no longer suffering and will always be looking down on us with a smile. Please know we will always love you.
Dear grandpaw David we never got to relly meet but I love you.I relly want to meet you.I relly wanted to know you better then when I was a baby because I feel like I never got to meet you.I LOVE YOU!
We will truely miss you an all your great wisdoms and helpful advice.You would always bring a smile to our faces with your great conversation.You were a great man and it was a privlige that we got to be part of your life.I thank GOD every day for that!We will all way rememeber you.We love you very much and I know that we will meet in heaven one day LOVE:Melissa & Leea
Its so hard to say good- bye to someone even if it is a just see you later. I never got the chance to say thank you for stepping up to the plate and being the father we needed, I am who I am today because of you and my mom, we have never been ones to express our feeling this is just a hard one to take in. I know you are in a beautiful place looking down on all of us, breathing on your own and waiting for us to meet you there
Its so hard to say good- bye to someone even if it is a just see you later. I never got the chance to say thank you for stepping up to the plate and being the father we needed, I am who I am today because of you and my mom, we have never been ones to express our feeling this is just a hard one to take in. I know you are in a beautiful place looking down on all of us, breathing on your own and waiting for us to meet you there
i miss my pawpaw and love you
Thank you for blessing me with four wonderful children and their beautiful families.You will be missed.
Daddy im going to miss you so much!!!You helped make a good man out of me and I thank you for that and and i never forget it or you!!! I love you daddy!!!
Great person, hard working, Loved his family. Will miss you brother-in-law
We lost a great man, who did so much for alot of people. I learned alot from him through the years and I am truly blessed to have known him for so long!!!!
I love you dad!!! I was not ready for you to leave me but I know you were tired and you had fought long enough. I can see you up there dancing and sing and able to breath doing it. xoxoxoxox My Angel
Well dad we had are up’s and down’s but always managed to work them out. I thought this was just a bad dream and I would wake up but it is real. I know you are not hurting anymore and you are at peace. You always had to get the last laugh and you proved that with the remote LOL! I’m so glad I have one more Angel watching over me. May you Rest in Peace Daddy!!! Love you XOXOXOXOX
I can’t help thinking back forty plus years ago when we did all those crazy things in high school. When we reconnected on Facebook three years ago we reminissed about those days. You never let on you were ill. You always sent birthday & holiday greetings. I’m just kind of numb right now. Rest well,old friend.
David was a great man and one of the best dad a guy could have.When I was a kid I thought that he was to hard on me and he would make me mad.But know as an adult I understand the importants of being a dad and how much you loved me and made me in to the man i am today.I will cherish what you taught me and past down everything I leaned.THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING!!!I Love You Dad LOVE: Christopher