Darren Rodgers, 68, of China Spring, passed away Thursday, April 08, 2010 at a Temple hospital. Memorial services will be 3PM Sunday, April 11th at Lake Shore Funeral Home Chapel with Chaplain Bob Boggess officiating. Thoughts and memories may be shared in the online Guest Book at www.LakeShoreFuneralHome.com.
Darren was preceded in death by his parents, Arthur and Lucille (Ohler) Rodgers.
Survivors include wife, Julia Rodgers of China Spring; son, Jace Rodgers and wife, Layla of Houston; daughter, Nicole Rodgers of Wichita Falls; step-son, Billy Hitchcock and wife, Sally of Breckenridge; step-daughters, Kelli Thompson of Albany and Tobi Nowell and husband, Kevin of Woodson; and ten grandchildren.

I can only reiterate what some of my classmates have already posted. I was greatly touched (and challenged) by Mr. Rodgers teaching at THS (’78). Because he constantly pushed me to do just a little more, I gained confidence that helped me through many more years of education. Without a doubt, Mr. (& Mrs. Rodgers) left a great legacy of preparing students for life beyond high school.
Dear Julia, Jace & family,
We are so very sorry for your loss.
Love & Prayers,
Jeff & Cindy
Our condolences, he was a GREAT fun teacher.
Mr. Rodgers was my math teacher in Throckmorton High School and became a dear friend. I not only learned a great deal in math from him, but also was encouraged to always be the best I could be. I know Darren will never be forgotten by anyone that had the privileged of having him for a teacher. One of my most memorable moments of Mr. Rodgers was when I told him I was teaching school including "Math". I can still picture in my mind and so can you, the grin on his face that showed approval and that he was proud of me.
All of us will miss Mr. Darren Rodgers.
Darren was such a wonderful person and a great teacher. He was certainly a credit to the education profession. I enjoyed working with him during the 5 years he taught at Woodson and I also appreciated the job he did. He made such a difference in the lives of numerous young people. I have always considered Darren and Julia as very special people and very dear friends.
Julia, I am so sorry for your loss. If I can do anything for you. I am here. Just rest in the fact that you are in the arms of Jesus during this time. You are not alone. I love you.
I am so sorry to hear about Mr. Rodgers. My prayers will be with you and your family at this time. Mr. Rodgers was a GREAT Algebra teacher. When he thought you really cared and wanted to learn..he made sure you did just that. I am forever grateful to him for showing me my Senior year that Algebra could also be very fun. He was one in a million in my book and I will always treasure the fact that he cared enough to teach you what you thought you didn’t need to know 🙂
The two of you together helped bring me out of my shell my Senior year…and I am forever grateful to you both. Again my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this time, and if I can do anything…please feel free to let me know.
I graduated in 1978 in Throckmorton, Texas
Prayers are with you all.
Mr. Rodgers was a strong and determined man. He had to be with me, Tom London, Tommy Hitch, and Larry Hargrove in the same geometry class! He was more than fair and was really a great Throckmorton Greyhound Sports fan. I won’t ever forget him.
Our thoughts and prayers are with your family.
With Sincere Sympathy,
Brett, LaDonna, Cody, and Sarah Tatum
Prayers for all the family.
Glad to have been math students of Mr. Rodgers, but most of all glad to call him friend.
This is a great loss to me as I knew Darren at Texas Tech. He ended up teaching for my Dad in Throckmorton. He was special to me: a gentleman and took the time to drive back to Throckmorton for my Dad’s funeral. I will be forever grateful that I hugged him. I only wish the best for his family.
Mr. Rodgers was a great teacher and he will be missed. I was in the class of’78 in Throckmorton. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this time of sorrow.
my prayers are with your family
Jace, Nicole and families:
I am so sorry to hear of the passing of your daddy. I have many fond memories of him as my math teacher in throckmorton- he helped me appreciate the value of understanding algebra-before you can like geometry. I haven’t seen either of you in years but I want you to know my prayers are with you.
I was so sad to learn of Darren’s passing. He was Mr. Rodgers to me, as he moved to Throckmorton while I was in high school. My mother reminded me that she and my dad enjoyed Darren’s and Julia’s visits in the valley. He honored my family by driving to Throckmorton for my dad’s funeral just 18 months ago. My entire family was touched. He is a wonderful soul and will be greatly missed.
There was no other teacher like Mr. Rodgers! He not only brought the high school math subjects to life – he brought life to Throckmorton High School! I will never forget that he always stood in the doorway at the beginning of every class – welcoming each student by name to that particular class! He truly will always be one of those teachers that impacted not only my life – but the lives of so many others!
Dear Jace and Family,
We are so sorry for the loss of your dad. We are praying for you all. May Jesus give you comfort and Peace during this difficult time. We love you and God Bless Aunt Robin and Uncle Paul
People move in and out of our lives for different reasons, some you remember always, some are just passing through. But those you remember brought something special, and add value to who we are and who we’ve become….Mr. Rodgers did just that… touched many of our lives and his memory will live on.
My prayers are with each of you.
Rhonda Rogers Engh
Grand Junction, CO.
Darren was a very special man and a joy to be around. I taught with him during his time in Woodson and saw what a difference he made in students lives. I will miss him.
To me Darren Rodgers was the epitome of what a teacher is, especially a high school math teacher. He came to THS my freshman year. For some reason I could not pick up on Algebra I easily at first. I was struggling the first six weeks, maybe even into the second six weeks. I remember John L Bundy, who’s nice a high school math teacher in Jacksboro, and I going to him "after hours" to try and get a grasp on it.
After struggling about two months, one day it was like "wham", an epiphany moment. I never had a problem again in Algebra I, geometry, Algebra II, and Trig.
About ten years after I graduated, I came home one weekend and saw Mr. Rodgers at a football game. As always he came up to me and asked me how things were going.
He was struggling trying to teach the current "crop" of students at that time. He said that they were not like us. In that conversation, I learned from him that he had to go to the college textbooks with us (later on) to challenge us. I never had any idea.
That revealed to me the kind of teacher he was. If you really wanted to learn, he would not just go the extra mile with you, but he would go with you as far as you wanted to go.
That’s helped me out immensely in life knowing that I personally had a teacher like that who both challenged me and really cared about me as a person. What more can you say.
Rest in peace, good and faithful servant.
Sid Hargrove