Mark Brady Rowe, 23, of Waco, passed away Saturday, January 3rd at a local hospital. Memorial services will be 2PM Saturday, January 10th at Dayspring Baptist Church with Rev. Burt Burleson officiating. Thoughts and memories may be shared in the online Guest Book at www.LakeShoreFuneralHome.com.
Brady was born July 2, 1985 in Temple to Mark Stephen and Gala (Rinn) Rowe. He was a 2007 graduate of McGregor High School. He also was a longtime resident at St. Catherine Center in Waco.
Survivors include parents, Steve and Gala Rowe of Waco; sisters, Kali Rowe of Dallas and Katy Rowe of Waco; grandmother, Betty Rowe of Taylor; aunts, Gina Freels and husband, Kevin of Midlothian, and Jackie Smith and husband, Calvin of Lago Vista; and cousins, Macy and Grant Freels, Steven and Keith Strmiska, and Koen, Ryan, and Laura Rinn.
In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to St. Catherine Center at Providence Park, c/o Providence Foundation, 6901 Medical Parkway, Waco, TX 76712.

Dear Rowe family, I was a caretaker for Brady many times at St. Catherines. I always enjoyed getting to be with Brady. He could always make me smile, even when I was having a not-so-good of a day. He was a blessing to everyone he met. My thoughts and prayers are with you all during this difficult time.
Gala, Steve, Kali and Katy,
We are so sorry. We will pray you through. Brady was just precious and we will forever remember that mischevious smile of his. He definitely had such a charm about him. We hurt with you. Everyone was totally blessed by knowing him. Brady is softly cradled in the arms of Jesus with that beautiful smile that will be missed by all.
Love from the Hornungs.
Thinking of you during this time in your lives.
April, John, Barbara, & Kyle Maruska
Steve & Gala,
My thoughts and prayers are with you. Brady was such a delight!
With love,
Steve and Gala,
I am truly sorry for the loss of your son Brady. Though I didn’t know him, you can tell his beautiful smile was very contagious. God Bless you both and your family for your loss.
Steve and Gala, I am so sorry for your loss of Brady. I did not know Brady but from reading the tributes on this site, it is clear he was a blessing to everyone with whom he had contact. It is also apparent that he is in the presence of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and is now experiencing eternal joy. I will keep you and your family in my prayers as you mourn the loss of your Son. I pray that God will, in time, transform your pain into joyful memories of your 23 years with Brady on this earth.
I am so sorry to hear about your loss. My thoughts are with you.
Brady, you were and still is truly loved by your family.
To The Rowe Family With Sympathy For Your Loss
When your dear son/brother is suddenly gone. Leaving you here to try and carry on.
To grieve in silence or scream out loud. To say harsh words or to just be proud of his courageous battle to the end. Knowing that you were his best friend, much more than Daddy/Mommy/Sister to this young man. You did everything to brighten his world.
He finally had to let go of your hands to start his journey to a Heavenly land.
Tears may run in rivulets down your cheeks. Sobbing in grief is not considered weak.
It helps with coping for the young and old.A healing balm for the grieving soul.
Wishing you a day of special moments in this time of sorrow and treasured memories to lift you up.
Carolyn Adams & Brian Dever Family
Dear Gala, Steve & Girls,
Please know that we are praying for you at this time of loss. May God’s peace comfort you. Your joyful love for your son and brother has always warmed our hearts. Brady will forever hold a special place in the hearts of all who knew him.
Cheri & Frank Jennings
Steve,Gala,Katy & Kali,
We were so sorry to hear about Brady. We just want you to know that you are all in our thoughts and prayers. We know Brady was a special blessing in your lives.
Donald & Christy Pick
Dear Rowe Family~
I was so sorry to hear about Brady. His smile and humor will always be remembered. He has now experienced the "ultimate healing". There are no words to take the pain away, but know there are many that care about you enough to share the pain with you. You continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. A hug to each of you.
Your family is in my thoughts and prayers.
My dear friends; my heart is breaking for your family. Please know that your friends stand ready to help in any way possible. My thoughts are with you.
We are thinking of you and praying for you at this time. May God bless you with a peace that passes all understanding.
With Love, Dawn Derrick
Dear Dr. Rowe and Family:
Words cannot take away your pain and loss, but please take comfort in knowing that your precious young man has made it safely Home, and that one day you will be re-united with him to spend eternity together. I pray that God will wrap you all in His loving, comforting arms, and give you the peace than only He can provide.
Your family will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.
Debbie Chaneyworth and Family
Gala and Steve – I just found out of the passing of your son – Please know that my prayers are with you both and your family – I know that we haven’t seen each other in many years but my thoughts for the Lord’s strenth to help you in this time is with you –
Love, Debbie
Dear Mr. & Mrs. Rowe:
I was Brady’s school nurse while he was at McGregor High School. He always made my day brighter after I saw and spoke to him. I will always remember his smile and how much fun he was with the coaching staff. He really connected with them and expressed so much joy to be around them. He brought so much to everyone that knew him and we miss him very much. My thoughts and prayers are with you during the difficult days ahead. Please always keep in your hearts how much Brady brought to McGregor High School and very much we loved him.
God Bless!
Dee Wiethorn
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Dearest Gala, Steve, Kali, & Katy,
I have pondered for days the spoken words from Brady’s beautiful memorial service and I think Brady’s gift and lesson to all of us left behind, was that if we LIVE SIMPLY AND LOVE DEEPLY & GENEROUSLY, and LEAVE THE REST UP TO GOD, our lives will be filled with sweet happiness. I don’t know if Brady ever saw his limitations, or felt as if his life was had obstacles. He certainly seemed to be the wise old teacher sharing the life lessons he knew to be important with all the folks who worried , loved, and took care of him. Brady only seemed to find pleasure and joy and love in everyone he met and I pray that those sweet memories of him help you all through this sad time.
God Bless Donna
Dear Katy and family,
We were so sorry to hear of the loss of your brother. Please know that you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. May you feel the Lord’s hands holding you extra close during this time.
Gala, Steve, Kali and Katy,
I don’t even have the words to express how deeply sorry I (we all were) to hear about Brady. You can tell by the messages that have been written that Brady was very loved and that he brought joy to everyone that knew him. I know how much Nana and Papa Rinn loved Brady and just know that he is not only in the arms of God, but Nana and Papa are getting to hold their Brady once again Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you. Please remember, we are only a phone call away if any of you need anything.
Love you all,
Donna Blomquist
I am so so sad to hear about the Brodster. So many memories come back when I think about that little man. He was such an inspiration and I know he will be missed greatly by many people. I’m so sorry Rowe’s. Yall are in our thoughts and prayers. Please let us know if we can do anything to help. We love yall all so very much! – Tull Family
May the memories that GOD has given you comfort you in your time of sorrow.
To The Rowe Family,
You are in my thoughts and prayers. God Bless You!
Dr. Rowe and family,
I am sorry for your loss. Please know that my thoughts are with you guys during this difficult time.
Steve and Gala, sorry to hear about Brady. I just want you to know that you and the girls are in our thoughts and prayers. We love you!
I am so sorry to hear about Brady’s passing. I knew Brady back when he attended Lake Waco Montessori. He was in our classroom. Ms. Moore was his teacher and I was the assistant at the time. I remember Brady coming to school with his fingernails painted and I’d ask him if his sisters had done it and he’d say "Yeah". Brady Rowe was a joy and I am blessed to have been able to know and teach him. I still have the star shaped Santa that Mrs. Rowe and Brady gave me one year for Christmas. I will miss you Brady.
Mrs. Lackey
Life Skills Teacher
Lake Waco Montessori
Dr Rowe and Family, I’m so sorry to hear of your loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with ya’ll during this time.
Dear Dr. Rowe and family,
I am sorry to hear of your loss. Our thoughts are with you.
Gala and Steve, I was so sad to hear about Brady’s passing. I just wanted to let you and the girls know I am thinking about your family.
Gala and Family,
I never had the privilege of meeting Brady, but it is very obvious he was loved by so many and his smile seemed to touch so many. Please find some comfort in knowing your family is in the thoughts and prayers of many friends. Love, Laura
Steve & Gala, we were so sorry to heard about Brady. Your loss is so great and I hope you knowing that Brady having touched so many lives may bring some comfort to you and your family. Sincerely, Jimmy & Laura Westerfeld
My thoughts & prayers are with all of you during this time of great sorrow.I speak for the many friends that knew & loved Brady & how blessed we all were to have been able to watch him gradute with his class at McGregor High.I know his friends at St.Catherines will surely miss his sweet way of making everyone who knew him smile.
Kali and family,
I am so sad to hear about Brady passing. I only got to meet Brady a few times when I visited your you in Waco. Of those times, my most vivid memory of Brady was during a family dinner. It was evident that Brady brought so much joy and laughter to your family. I am truly sorry for your loss.
Gala and Steve, I was so saddened to hear of your loss of Brady. The enormous love you possessed for him was reflected in his beautiful smile. I can only imagine the smiles in heaven when he was reunited with Mr. and Mrs. Rinn. I know all the wonderful memories will help you during the coming days and months. God truly picked the right parents for such an incredible young man! Much love to you, Linnea
Dear Dr. Rowe and family,
I am so sorry for your loss of Brady. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
Dear Gala God bless you i miss you so much i say hello to brady’s mom take care
Dear Steve, Gala, Kali and Katy,
You are in our thoughts and prayers. Brady was a special guy and we are glad that we had the opportunity to get to know him. I am sure Nana and Papa are glad that he is with them now, they loved him so.
Mark, Tammy,Andrew and Austin
Dr.Rowe,Gala,Kali and Kati. I do not even know where to being. I am so sorry to hear of Brady’s passing. Even though it was only a few times that I saw him at the clinic, the one thing I do remember was his Big smile. May God’s peace be with each of you during this time. And know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.
Miranda Herring
I was so sorry to hear about your loss. I am thinking of you and your family.
When rough the path from day to day, When sorrows fill our eyes with tears, Our choice to find our joy in Christ, Can soothe our soul and calm our fears.
Take care. Missy
Dr. Rowe and Family,
I am so sorry to hear about Brady. I remember him coming to visit up on the L&D floor. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you.
What a handsome young man Brady grew up to be (not that he wasn’t before but we thought of him as having
‘pretty’ eyes and smile as a boy). It has been a few years since we, (Tobe and I)at The Arc, have seen him but remember him fondly as a sweet boy with that contagious smile. I was saddened to read of your loss. On behalf of myself and The Arc, my sincere sympathy to you and your family at this time of grief. I know you will be sustained by the wonderful memories and the love that was shared by your family. May God rest his gentle hand upon you and give you peace and comfort at this difficult time. Ovida
Brady brought joy wherever he went. He will be remembered as a kind, smart and handsome young man with an amazing sense of humor and just enough bad boy in him to run over your toes with a huge grin on his face. He will be missed, my love and prayers go to his family who surrounded him with love and care all his life.
Gayle and Steve, our thoughts and prayers are with you. The Hebert Family
I cannot tell you how much of a joy it was to be able to spend time with Brady every morning and afternoon taking him to and from school. His smile and laugh brought light into my life. I enjoyed his glowing personality and that smile was so contagious. When I made up the song about Brady (I gave you a copy at his graduation party at St. Catherine’s) and would sing it to him some days, we would have a laughing good time. He never tired of it. I think he knew what a special young man he was and that he touched the lives of so many people. There are not a lot of jobs that one can say brings pure joy, but driving Brady was one for me.
Death is such a terrible enemy to us all and it is with heartfelt sympathy that I extend my condolences to all of Brady’s family.
Pam Chandler
I am sending my deepest sympathy to the Rowe family.
Brady attended Lake Waco where I was principal and we all loved our time with Brady. He will be truly missed.
Dear Steve, Gala,Kali & Katy
You are in my prayers today and always. I love all of you and hope that in time, it will become easier to bear.
Love always,
Aunt Peggy
Dear Rowe Family,
I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Dear Dr. Rowe,Gala and daughters, I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your son. At times like these, there are no words to ease your sorrow. Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with your family during this difficult time.(Miranda’s Mom)
Dear Gayla and Steve,
We am so very sorry for the passing of your precious son and we pray that peace may come to you and your family.
Roxanne and Bob Burnett
Dr. Rowe, Gala, Kali, & Katy,
I am so sorry to hear of Brady’s passing. Please know that y’all are in our thoughts and prayers and my God’s peace be with you.
In Christ,
Roy & Nicole Rodriguez
Steve,Gala and girls,my heart,prayers and thoughts are with you,I will miss his smiles and pulling my hair loose for a long time.Take care.
I just wanted to stay that i loved visiting with Brady and watching him have that great smile. He was very special to me. My thoughts and prays are with you and family.
Love sheila wood cna
You are all in my prayers at this time.
Shirlee Peterson
(Donna Rinn’s sister)
Gala, Steve, Kali and Katy,
Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. Brady was such a sweet child with a great sense of humor. I hope you can find some comfort in knowing how special he was to so many people. We are all better for knowing Brady.
Dear Rowe Family,
It was with great sorrow that we read of Brady’s passing. Brady was in Jordan’s class years ago at Midway. We will always remember his glowing, sweet, perfect spirit (James 1:17). Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you.
In Christ’s Love,
Dennis, Karen, Joshua, Jordan, Jarrett, and Jayce Humphreys
I’m so sorry for your loss. You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. Tisha Busch and family
Dear Steve and Gala,
Just as someone else stated, We can’t say Brady’s name without smiling. He will forever be embedded in our hearts and minds. We’re thinking of you and although we know we’re neglectful friends, PLEASE let us know if we can do anything…We will be there in a flash! I want to call, but I know you are busy with family and endless tasks that seem to have to be done. (If you get this twice, my apology). Love Tom and Dorothy
Just saying Brady Rowe’s name makes me smile. His eyes,his smile and his spirit will always be close to my heart. Your family has been an inspiration to all.
Please know that my thoughts, prayers, and love are with you and your family at this time of your sorrow.
Wanda Kilstrom