Amira Leah Ochoa, infant daughter of Ashley Alvarez and Mark Ochoa, passed away Friday, December 10, 2010. Graveside services will be 1PM Wednesday, December 15th at Oakwood Cemetery with Rev. Victor Loera officiating. Thoughts and memories may be shared in the online Guest Book at www.LakeShoreFuneralHome.com
Survivors include parents, Ashley Alvarez and Mark Ochoa; grandparents, Justina and Hugo Alvarez, Mark Ochoa, and Margaret Aleman; uncle, Hugo Alvarez, Jr.; aunts, Justine Ochoa and Samantha Ochoa; and cousin, Jordin Joelle Alvarez.

ashley hija lo sentimos mucho hija por la perdida de su hijita,sabemos que palabras no le ayudara al dolor que siente , pero mama no se olvide de diosito que el ya la tiene con el y el es el unico que le puede curar su dolor,la tenemos en oraciones mama.yla queremos mucho su abuelito y yo adios mama.
Ashley, I am so sorry to hear about your baby girl. I want you to know that I love you very much and it really hurts to know that you are going through something like this. My prayers go out to you and know that your family is always here for you no matter what. I love you very much.
You will always be in our hearts and in our memories.We will love you always. Rip Sweet Angel.
I am sorry for your families loss. Your family is in my prayers. Please let me know if there is anything you need.
Ashley baby I am sorry for your lost.I know words can not alleviate your pain,but I want you to know that our thoughts and prayers are with you.I know God is giving you the strength so don’t give up.
Aunt Claudia
Hey Ashley I’m sorry about your baby hope you are okay and God bless you and know that you still have your family here that loves and cares for you. Take care Ashley I love you.
ashley,sorry for your loss you are in our thoughts and prayers.
I know that no words could ever make you feel better or make it all go away but just know that you have a wonderful family supporting. May the lord give you and your family the strength to get through this pain and the peace in your heart to know Amira is in a beautiful place. God Bless you and your family
my baby girl.i know that u going thru a lot of pain right now and theres nothing that i can say or do to ease ur pain but allways remember that god is there for u n his the only one who can help u go thru this.psalms23:the lord is my shephard i should not fear.read it give him glory for his the only one who can help u his in control of ur life n he will bless u with something that u will never imajine love u with all my heart.
All I can said is that i’m very sorry for yall loss:'( i wish there were some i can do to take your pain away dear daughter but all i can do is share your pain and tears. Always remember god have the control of everything that happens and he is the only one that knows why things happen the way they do i know is hard to praise him when we are in such big pain but trust me he sure glorify his name when we do it bc everything he do is for the best. I love yall very much and i will remain by yall side to help on everything yall need me.
My prayers are with you at this most difficult time. please take comfort in knowing Amira is in the Lord’s arms.
We luv you little angel, your in paradise now.
Ashley, We are deeply sorry to hear about your loss. Our prayers go out to you, Mark and your family. Stay strong and keep your head up baby girl. Love you always, Tia Ligia & Wicho
my prayers are with you ashley,,so sorry to hear ,,,i love u with all my heart ..love tio luis
ashley, sentimos mucho por la perdida de tu bebe,le pedimos a dios que te de la fuersa que nesesitas para soportar el dolor que sientes a no tener a tu bebe,se que es duro pero diosito ya le tiene en su reyno y ella sienpre sera tu angelito de guardia. we love you so much and again were really,really sorry,about your lost, your uncles and cousins mario karla y hijos..
I am sorry for your loss. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers durning this difficult time.
justina and family:
I am so sorry for your loss. You are in my thoughts and prayers. God bless you all in this time of sadness. She is and will always be a little angel.
Ashley, im so sorry for you loss i cant even imagine the pain that your going thru and the loss of a child. I love you and ill keep you and Mark in my prayers and leave everything in gods hands and he will always be there for you keep your head up mama and always keep god in your head and heart. The family is praying and thinking of you Ashley.
Ashley I love u so much & I know how difficult & painful this may be; the bible says that there’s time for everything in life-a time to cry,to love but even then God remains faithful. I know that ur sweet princess is fine & peaceful in the presence of our creator. I pray that God may comfort ur heart & give u strength thru this difficult time. Luv u & know that we will always b here for u
I love you may god bless you sweetheart
My dear Child, I know that these moments are not easy, but remeber that our Lord gives us the strenght and hope. He gives us only what we can bear on our shoulder not more than that. Bill and I are very sorry for what hapened, but remember that He has her soul and she was an Angel he needed in heaven to become another member of His choir. We Love you and our prayers go to you and all.
Tio Ricardo and Bill
51 But let me reveal to you a wonderful secret. We will not all die, but we will all be transformed! 52 It will happen in a moment, in the blink of an eye, when the last trumpet is blown. For when the trumpet sounds, those who have died will be raised to live forever. And we who are living will also be transformed. 53 For our dying bodies must be transformed into bodies that will never die; our mortal bodies must be transformed into immortal bodies.
54 Then, when our dying bodies have been transformed into bodies that will never die,[c] this Scripture will be fulfilled:
Ashley I just want you to know that you’ll are in my prayers; also it is important that you always remember and know that your baby is in heaven looking down upon you, and know that when the time is right, you will be together again.
Ashley, Mark and family, my heart goes out to you in this moment of sadness but let God take care of your heart and pain, sometimes we don’t understand why but we can’t question God about this things. Please be strong! GOD LOVE YOU FOREVER, TRUST HIM AND YOU’LL FIND PEACE!! I WILL KEEP Y’ALL IN MY PRAYERS. I LOVE YOU ALWAYS TIA YESSICA, IRMA, NONO AND FERNANDO.